Agenda and decisions

Council - Wednesday, 31 July 2024 7.30pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

No. Item




The Mayor invited those present to observe a moment’s silence to reflect on the tragedies this week in Southport.


Apologies for absence were received from Kamal Choudhury, Forhad Chowdhury, Lin Martin-Haugh and Simon Speller, and from Lahaina Sutherland, Youth Mayor.



MINUTES - ANNUAL MEETING - 22 MAY 2024 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Annual Council held on 22 May 2024.


It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 22 May 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



To receive any communications that the Mayor may wish to put before the Council.


The Mayor referred to a list of seventy events he had supported since May which had been circulated at the meeting and gave a report on a number of highlights including:


·         The 8th birthday of Stevenage Parkrun at Fairlands Valley Park;

·         The NHS Charity Rainbow Run and Wollenwick’s Colour Run;

·         Stevenage Day;

·         Town Twinning Visit;

·         Two visits with the Air Ambulance charity;

·         Presentations at Marriotts School;

·         Covid Cobra 4th anniversary;


The Mayor also reminded Members of the Stevenage Rotary Club charity quiz on 7 September, a garden party on 29 September and the Together Awards on 26 October 2024.



None received.


There were no community presentations.




None received.


There were no petitions or deputations.




None received.


There were no questions from the Youth Council.




None received.


There were no questions from the public.




In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, the Leader of the Opposition shall be given the opportunity to raise one matter relevant to the Borough that has arisen since the last meeting of the Council.  The Leader of the Council shall then have the opportunity to advise the Council of matters relevant to the Borough that have arisen since the last meeting.


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Stephen Booth, asked the following question:


“What plans does the Leader of the Council have to meet with the new Labour Government and does he expect next year’s financial settlement to allow Stevenage Borough Council to avoid having to cancel essential services and delay capital projects in order to balance the budget?”


The Leader of the Council replied that a number of contacts had been made with the new Government including a visit that morning from a senior minister at the Department of Communities and Local Government.  He would give an update later in the meeting on the work that the new MP had been doing to raise the aspirations of Stevenage.  He also informed the meeting that a visit from a representative of the Department of Business and Trade would take place the following week as well as regular contact with Baroness Taylor, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Department of Housing Communities and Local Government


In relation to the financial settlement, the Leader advised that the Government had been clear in their consideration that a longer term settlement would help local authorities and it was hoped that this would be made clear in the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget.


The Council then received updates from the relevant Cabinet Portfolio Holders on the following matters:


·         Cycle Hire Scheme;

·         Co-operative Neighbourhood Management;

·         Building a Better Bedwell;

·         Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor 2024/25;

·         Equalities;

·         Stevenage Day;

·         Aqua Parc;

·         Stevenage Theatre wins National Award;

·         Museum Exhibitions;

·         Brodie Court;

·         Resident Engagement Strategy;

·         Green Spaces Strategy;

·         Visit to Stevenage – Department of Housing, Communities and local Government.



To receive updates from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the recent

activities of those Committees.


In the absence of the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Rob Broom, Chair of the Environment and Economy Select Committee (who was also a Member of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee) advised that, at its meeting held in June, the Committee had finalised its work programme as well as scrutinising the decisions of the Cabinet.  Council was informed that a one-off reviews of ICT including the Council’s website, the Customer Complaints System alongside how well the move by the Customer Services Centre to the main reception would be undertaken.


Councillor Sarah Mead, Chair of the Community Select Committee advised that, at its meeting held in June 2023, the Committee had received a presentation on the Housing Allocations Policy and the Resident Engagement Strategy.  During the coming year the Committee would be considering Equalities and Diversity, Neighbourhood Wardens, the new Leisure Contract as well as holding a Crime and Disorder and a Public Health meeting.


The Chair of the Environment & Economy Select Committee advised that the Committee had commenced its 2024/25 work and over the course of the upcoming year would be looking at the Skills Agenda, local access to returning to work, continuing its review of local bus services alongside the Council’s response to the climate emergency.



SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To consider the Annual Scrutiny Report 2023/24.


In the absence of the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Sarah Mead, Chair of the Community Select Committee moved that the Annual Scrutiny Report for 2023/24 be noted.


Councillor Rob Broom seconded the report.


It was RESOLVED that the work undertaken by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees during 2023/24, as set out in the report, be noted.




In accordance with Standing Orders, the following motions have been received for consideration:


(1)  Code of Conduct


To be moved by Councillor Phil Bibby


The Council notes that the Code of Conduct for Members states that we should treat other councillors and members of the public with respect, and that the Campaigning Rules state that we must not knowingly make a false statement about the personal character of a candidate.


The Council also notes that there have been instances where these rules have not been adhered to, so resolves to remind all councillors, activists and future candidates of the need to treat everyone with respect and, on all occasions, act with integrity.


(2)  Labour Government


On 4th July, 2024, after 14 years of disastrous, draconian and divisive Conservative government, the country chose change.  It chose hope.  It chose Labour.

The people of Stevenage also chose Labour and, for the first time in 14 years, the Stevenage constituency will have an MP worthy of the title.  Kevin Bonavia will reset the expectations of what a good local MP should be: one who works full time for Stevenage; one who works with the local authorities in his constituency, not against them; one who is accessible and accountable to local people.


We congratulate Kevin Bonavia on his election.  He is one of 411 Labour MPs in the House of Commons who, with Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, a talented front bench team and a clear mandate, will bring the change and stability that the people of this country want and need. 

We also congratulate the former Leader of the Council, Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, on her appointment as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Housing, Community & Local Government.


The new Government has hit the ground running.  In the King’s Speech on 17th July, the Government set out its priorities.  They are ambitious and diverse priorities.  In particular, those that affect Stevenage Borough Council directly include:

·         A Renters’ Rights Bill that will abolish Section 21 “no-fault evictions” and empower tenants to challenge rent increases “designed to force them out by the back door”.

·          Respect orders – a revamped form of Asbos – will give police powers to place restrictions on adults to tackle anti-social behaviour.

·         A Planning and Infrastructure Bill to speed up the planning process and planning committees will be modernised, with resources to do their jobs.

·         A commitment to housing – including social and affordable housing.

·         A devolution bill for England,

·         An Employment Rights bill, recognising that Labour values workers’ rights.

·         Nationalisation of our railways.

The Labour Manifesto, published prior to the general election, gave commitments that a Labour Government would work collaboratively with local government. The manifesto emphasises the importance of stable funding, decision-making flexibility, and partnership with local leaders and communities to drive growth and provide essential services.  The King’s Speech has opened the door to that collaboration, and, in Stevenage, we warmly welcome it.


This Council resolves that:

1.    We look forward to  ...  view the full agenda text for item 11.


Code of Conduct


Councillor Phil Bibby moved a motion concerning the Code of Conduct.


The motion was not seconded and therefore was not debated.


New Labour Government


Councillor Richard Henry moved and Councillor Sandra Barr seconded the following motion


“On 4th July, 2024, after 14 years of disastrous, draconian and divisive Conservative government, the country chose change.  It chose hope.  It chose Labour.

The people of Stevenage also chose Labour and, for the first time in 14 years, the Stevenage constituency will have an MP worthy of the title.  Kevin Bonavia will reset the expectations of what a good local MP should be: one who works full time for Stevenage; one who works with the local authorities in his constituency, not against them; one who is accessible and accountable to local people.

We congratulate Kevin Bonavia on his election.  He is one of 411 Labour MPs in the House of Commons who, with Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, a talented front bench team and a clear mandate, will bring the change and stability that the people of this country want and need.

We also congratulate the former Leader of the Council, Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, on her appointment as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Housing, Community & Local Government.

The new Government has hit the ground running.  In the King’s Speech on 17th July, the Government set out its priorities.  They are ambitious and diverse priorities.  In particular, those that affect Stevenage Borough Council directly include:

·         A Renters’ Rights Bill that will abolish Section 21 “no-fault evictions” and empower tenants to challenge rent increases “designed to force them out by the back door”.

·          Respect orders – a revamped form of Asbos – will give police powers to place restrictions on adults to tackle anti-social behaviour.

·         A Planning and Infrastructure Bill to speed up the planning process and planning committees will be modernised, with resources to do their jobs.

·         A commitment to housing – including social and affordable housing.

·         A devolution bill for England,

·         An Employment Rights bill, recognising that Labour values workers’ rights.

·         Nationalisation of our railways.

The Labour Manifesto, published prior to the general election, gave commitments that a Labour Government would work collaboratively with local government. The manifesto emphasises the importance of stable funding, decision-making flexibility, and partnership with local leaders and communities to drive growth and provide essential services.  The King’s Speech has opened the door to that collaboration, and, in Stevenage, we warmly welcome it.


This Council resolves that:

1.    We look forward to a collaborative relationship with the newly elected Labour MP and Government to meet the Council ambitions for housing, growth and regeneration, and for the benefit of the people of Stevenage.

2.    The Leader of the Council writes to Kevin Bonavia, MP for Stevenage, congratulating him on his election to Parliament and that SBC looks forward to a close working relationship.

3.    The Leader of the Council writes to Baroness Taylor of Stevenage upon becoming Parliamentary  ...  view the full decision text for item 11.



In accordance with Standing Orders, written answers to the following questions will be circulated on a supplementary agenda.


(A) Question from Councillor Robin Parker

What progress has been made since the Council meeting of 20 December 2023 when Council agreed, inter alia, to investigate the installation of wildlife-friendly lighting in Fairlands Valley Park? 

Have similar sites in other local authorities been researched?

Has suitable technology been fully considered?

(B) Question from Councillor Stephen Booth

Following the successful trials by South Cambridgeshire Council of switching council employees to working a four-day week, what has the Council done to investigate the important outcomes of this important trial, and what impact it could have specifically for Stevenage Borough Council?

(B)Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness

What is the total amount received in capital receipts from land sales owned by the Council (excluding Right to Buy & property receipts) in each year covering the financial periods since 2019-2020?


(C) Question from Councillor Phil Bibby

Does the Cabinet Member consider there is enough ‘Grey Belt’ land in Stevenage to cater for the Labour Government’s likely increase in house building targets?





The Council received four questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders.  The responses to the four questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


(A)      Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC re: lighting in Fairlands Valley Park

Supplementary question – what is the timescale on this matter and could a regular progress report come to Members to keep them updated.  In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Performance, the Deputy Leader agreed that a written response would be sent to Councillor Parker.


(B)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: a four day working week for Council officers

Supplementary question – “Subject to the outcome of the research and ongoing studies would the Council be in favour of the four day week for officers? 


The Deputy Leader advised that the Council would be monitoring the outcome of the research and make a decision at the appropriate time.


(C)  Question from Councillor McGuinness regarding land sales.

Supplementary question – could the Portfolio Holder outline in a bit more detail where the capital receipts were actually spent and were any of the spends ringfenced for similar programmes where the assets came from originally?


The Deputy Leader advised that the sale of land had helped to fund projects such as parks and open space schemes, vehicles and plant, fire protection works at Cavendish Road and spend on commercial and operational buildings.  All information could also be found in the quarterly monitoring reports submitted to Cabinet.  The majority of the £6m receipt related to the sale of the Marshgate Car Park and ringfenced for regeneration projects in the Town.  Councillor Thomas agreed to send the full details in her response to Councillor McGuinness in writing.


(D)      Question from Councillor Bibby concerning the use of grey belt land.

Supplementary question – in relation to green belt land in neighbouring authorities, does the Portfolio Holder expect other authorities to build on this land and would SBC be objecting to those green belt developments.


In the Portfolio Holder’s absence, the Deputy Leader agreed to arrange for a written response to Councillor Bibby.



To consider a report requesting an additional £2.434Million for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) during 2024/25, in response to current and ongoing operational pressures. 


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report in respect of the Mid Year Treasury Management Review 2023/24, including the Prudential Indicators.  It was noted that the report had been endorsed by both the Audit Committee and the Executive.


It was moved by Councillor Jeannette Thomas, and seconded by Councillor Jackie Hollywell, that the Recommendation in the report be approved.


In response to questions and comments by members, Councillor Thomas advised that in relation to a deposit scheme for tenants, this would be difficult due to the financial situation of the tenants.  In relation to costs for professional services, due to changes of situation and unexpected circumstances such as the Covid pandemic this could fluctuate.


Upon the motion being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED:


1.     That the request for in-year growth due to HRA 2024/25 budget pressures of £2,434,050 as detailed in paragraph 4.11.2 of the Cabinet Report at Appendix A to the Council report be approved.

2.    That an additional £400k of HRA expenditure for the remainder of 2024/25 be approved.




To consider the extension of the term appointment of an ‘Independent Person for Standards’ in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


The Council considered a report in respect of the extension of the term of appointment of an Independent Person for Standards in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


It was moved by Councillor Jackie Hollywell, and seconded by Councillor Myla Arceno, that the Recommendations in the report be approved.


Upon the motion being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED:


1.    That Dr Robert Cawley’s term of office as the Council’s independent Person be extended for a further term of four years with effect from 5 October 2024.

2.    That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to seek to recruit a second Independent Person to act as a deputy to Dr Cawley.

3.    That the deputy Independent person be paid an annual allowance of £749, which is 50% of the allowance paid to the principal Independent Person.




To note the Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 4 June 2024.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 4 June 2024 were received.