Agenda and decisions

Council - Wednesday, 13 October 2021 7.00pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Daneshill House, Danestrete, Stevenage

Contact: Ian Gourlay (01438) 242703  Email:


No. Item




Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Julie Ashley-Wren, Matt Creasey, Liz Harrington, Lizzy Kelly, Adam Mitchell CC and Tom Wren.


MINUTES - 26 MAY 2021 (ANNUAL), 21 JULY 2021 (SPECIAL) and 21 JULY 2021 pdf icon PDF 242 KB

To approve as a correct record the attached Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 26 May 2021 (Annual Meeting), 21 July 2021 (Special Meeting) and 21 July 2021 (Ordinary Meeting) for signature by the Mayor.

Additional documents:


It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 26 May 2021, and the Special and Ordinary Council meetings held on 21 July 2021, be approved as correct records and signed by the Mayor.



To receive any communications that the Mayor may wish to put before the Council.


The Mayor announced that she had accepted an urgent motion for consideration at the meeting concerning Violence against Women and Girls.


The Mayor summarised the activities that she and her consort had been involved with since the previous Council meeting in July 2021.  These included:


·        Visiting the Lister Hospital to celebrate the Butterfly Rooms award, presented by the Princess Royal;

·        Opening the 200th park run Fairlands Valley Park;

·        Stevenage Football Club Foundation 20 to 24 launch;

·        The topping out ceremony at the Stevenage Bus Interchange;

·        Attending the Slimming World Woman of the Year ceremony at St. Nicholas Community Centre;

·        Representing the Council at Civic Garden Parties hosted by the Mayors of Bishop’s Stortford and Broxbourne;

·        Cutting the ribbon at the North Road housing development event;

·        Attending a fundraising event hosted by Councillor Jackie Hollywell to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer Now;

·        Attending the SB-organised Basketball Festival held in local parks;

·        Launching the post-Covid lockdown re-opening of the Cycle Hub;

·        Opening the Co-Space facility in the Town Centre;

·        Hosting (with the Deputy Mayor) the Mayor’s Garden Party, at which over £942 was raised for her nominated charities.  She thanked all councillors who had attended the event;

·        Making a film about the 999 Day;

·        Attending the Greenside Special School prom to present pupils with their yearbooks;

·        Awarding a special Mayor’s trophy at the first Stevenage Dance Festival;

·        Attending the Thin Blue Paws Awards at Knebworth Barns, a charity set up to recognise and reward outstanding Police service dogs;

·        Joining the Health Action Day and Stevenage Arts & Leisure Centre;

·        Opening the Fun Run at Hampson Park organised by Stevenage Striders;

·        Accompanied by Councillor Jackie Hollywell, attending the HACRO annual achievement awards at the University of Hertfordshire;

·        Opening the new library at Larwood Special School, dedicated to the late Bill Pilgrim;

·        Accompanied by the Deputy Mayor, attending the Irish Network AGM;

·        Attending ex-Mayor Hugh Tessier’s curiosities show at Stevenage Museum;

·        Accompanied by Councillor Claire Parris, learning to enjoy curry for the first time at a Curry Night fundraiser hosted by the Mayor of Dacorum;

·        Attending the Mayor of Hertsmere’s Civic Service at St. Paul’s Church in Bushey;

·        Accompanied by the Youth Mayor and Lady Mayoress, opening the new library at Woolenwick Junior School;

·        At the Stevenage Museum, launching the new book by Paul Fry entitled “Town’s got talent”;

·        Joining the Stevenage Arts Festival to watch Parnassus; and

·        As part of the New Town’s 75th anniversary, joining others in walks and talks across the Borough organised by Councillor Simon Speller.



There is no Main Debate.


There was no Main Debate.



None received.


There were no Petitions and Deputations.



In accordance with Standing Orders, written responses to the following questions submitted by the Youth Council will be sent out on a supplementary agenda.


(A)          What services do SBC provide for Young People aged between 11 to 17?


(B)          What are the local councillors doing to help support Youth provision?  If so, how can the Youth Council get involved?        

(C)      What are the Council doing to ask Young People what they want to see in the town?


The Council received three questions from the Youth Council.  The responses to the three questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


No supplementary questions were asked by the Youth Mayor.


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People, Leisure & Culture thanked the Youth Council for their questions and hoped they would continue to ask questions at future Council meetings, and also ask questions of Hertfordshire County Council regarding the services provided by that Council.



None received.


There were no Questions from the public.



In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, the Leader of the Opposition shall be given the opportunity to raise one matter relevant to the Borough that has arisen since the last meeting of the Council. The Leader of the Council shall then have the opportunity to advise the Council of matters relevant to the Borough that have arisen since the last meeting.


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Phil Bibby, asked the following question:


“How many SBC owned commercial properties in the town were currently unoccupied?”


The Leader of the Council undertook to provide a written answer to Councillor Bibby regarding this matter, which would be copied to all other Members.


The Leader of the Council, supported by the Executive Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise & Transport, congratulated officers for their role in organising the  successful recent Old Town Live Music event.


The Council then received updates from the relevant Executive Portfolio Holders on the following matters:


·        Itrinergy;

·        Stevenage in the rankings;

·        Railways;

·        Paperless working on Committees;

·        Woman of the Year Award and Housing Heroes Award;

·        New Homes to be built and derelict land transformed;

·        Stevenage Against Domestic Abuse (SADA) nominated for Municipal Journal Award; and

·        COP26.


The Leader of the Opposition asked what the plans were for the Council’s Member Climate Change Working Group, which had not met for a number of months?


The Leader of the Council replied that there was a Climate Change update report being submitted to the Executive on 20 October 2021, part of which was to consider a way forward, including engagement with the Environment & Economy Select Committee and Climate Change Citizens’ Panel.  The outcome would be reported back to Members, including the future role of the Member Working Group.



To receive updates from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the recent activities of those Committees.


The Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee advised that, since the previous Council meeting, the Committee had met on a number of occasions to consider the Executive’s decisions.  One of these related to the Town Deal, and an interesting discussion had ensued, as summarised on page 33 of the agenda as part of the report to Council regarding this matter.


The Chair of the Community Select Committee stated that the Committee had met to scope out work in relation to pre-scrutiny of the proposed Heritage Centre, and visits were planned to similar facilities in Colchester and Milton Keynes to glean best quality advice and information.  The Committee would be inviting to a future meeting the new Manager whose responsibilities would include addressing damp and mould issues in SBC-owned housing properties.


The Chair of the Environment & Economy Select Committee had met on a number of occasions recently, and had interviewed internal and external witnesses prior to agreeing the scrutiny report on the Council’s response to the Covid crisis for onward submission to the Executive.  The Committee’s next major area of work would be to scrutinise the implementation of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, which would commence with a presentation from the Executive Portfolio Holder for Environment & Regeneration.



In accordance with Standing Orders, the following motions have been received for consideration:


(i)         Councillors to be made aware of upcoming announcements to press and public


To be moved by the Liberal Democrat Group.


“That Council calls for a weekly bulletin to be circulated to all councillors by the start of each week outlining all known events, public announcements, statements, news releases and other information planned for publication by the Council during the coming week.”


(ii)        Managing the IT System


To be moved by the Liberal Democrat Group.


“That Council notes the serious financial consequences of the recurrent series of IT failures experienced in recent years and those to date during 2021 by SBC. These failures have caused widespread disruption to Council services to residents, to staff working practices and to the e-mail system on at least four separate occasions.


We therefore call upon the Overview and Scrutiny Committee urgently to investigate and review the management and operation of the Council’s IT systems and specifically:

-  speedily to appoint independent consultants to analyse and identify the key problems;
-  quickly to resolve these problems with the minimum of disruption to Council services and working arrangements;
-  to appoint senior staff including at least one at director level to manage the IT system;
-  to develop a strategy and plan for the IT system and submit it to Council for approval;
-  to suspend the introduction of all new devices, apps and systems until such time as the above has been achieved; and
-  to introduce measures to ensure that future failures and outages are costed and reported to Council.”


(iii)       Live animals as prizes


To be moved by the Liberal Democrat Group.


“That Council asks for an officer report on the feasibility of not allowing the giving of live animals as prizes or rewards:


(a) at any SBC event;

(b) on SBC controlled premises; and

(c) in the Borough of Stevenage.”


Urgent Motion – Violence Against Women and Girls


Councillor Jackie Hollywell moved and Councillor Teresa Callaghan seconded the following urgent motion:


“That this Council acknowledges and deeply regrets the murders of Sarah Everard, Sabina Nessa, Nicole Smallman, and Bibaa Henry and would like to send our heartfelt condolences to all the families of these women and girls who have lost their lives as a result of violence.


The appalling murder of Sarah Everard last March was particularly shocking as her recently convicted murderer was a serving Police Officer.  This horrendous crime has not only made women and girls more concerned about their safety, but it has sadly led to questions about the security and reassurance of the presence of Police Officers in our communities.


We would also welcome the announcement by the Home Secretary of an enquiry to look into the circumstances of this particular crime and perpetrator, as well as the wider societal implications for the safety of women and girls.  However, we call on the Government to make this a formal public enquiry so that it can be as transparent and wide-reaching as possible.  All the issues need to be properly examined as Violence Against Women and Girls can only be eradicated by a focus on the root causes and requires a cultural shift in attitudes and behaviours underpinned by education and legal improvements.


Therefore that Council resolves:


1.      To write to the Home Secretary to call for the enquiry into the murder of Sarah Everard to be made a formal public enquiry;


2.      To call on the Government to legally recognise Misogyny as a Hate Crime and for the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure that any incidences of violence against women and girls are recorded accordingly; and


3.      To also call on the Chief Constable of Hertfordshire and The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire to urgently review the conduct of their Officers and Staff in order to reassure the people of Stevenage that they have confidence in their Police.”


The following amendment was moved by Councillor Phil Bibby and seconded by Councillor Wendy Kerby:


Deletion of points 2.and 3., and make a new 2., as follows:


"To also call on the Chief Constable of Hertfordshire and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire to share the processes they have in place to ensure that police candidates are robustly vetted, and that their conduct continues to remain appropriate."


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, this amendment was lost.


Following further debate on the substantive motion, and upon this being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED:


“That this Council acknowledges and deeply regrets the murders of Sarah Everard, Sabina Nessa, Nicole Smallman, and Bibaa Henry and would like to send our heartfelt condolences to all the families of these women and girls who have lost their lives as a result of violence.


The appalling murder of Sarah Everard last March was particularly shocking as her recently convicted  ...  view the full decision text for item 10.



In accordance with Standing Orders, written answers to the following questions will be circulated on a supplementary agenda.


(A)          Question from Councillor Margaret Notley


“In the past there used to be provision for substitute Members to attend committee meetings in the event that a Member of a Committee cannot attend. Why is this not being re-instated?”


(B)          Question from Councillor Nick Leech


Can you explain who owns and is responsible for the derelict oil container in Waverley Close, Roebuck ward?”


(C)          Question from Councillor Adam Mitchell CC


The current ‘line of sight’ policy for trimming hedges results in hedgerows looking unfinished and messy.  Will you consider reviewing this policy and start trimming Stevenage’s hedgerows properly?”


(D)          Question from Councillor Chris Howells


The safety of local people should be a priority, but in the town centre pedestrians are having to dodge cyclists, e-scooters and skateboarders.  They are frightening the elderly, the disabled and children.  What is being done to stop this anti-social behaviour?”


(E)          Question from Councillor Julie Ashley-Wren


Why is it taking so long to prepare and submit final accounts for refurbishment works to leaseholders of SBC owned flats? In many instances the work has long been completed, yet without a final and settled account, meaning that sales cannot take place.”


(F)          Question from Councillor Stephen Booth


“Why is it taking so long for simple queries to be dealt with by the “Your Say” system?  Should not all queries from councillors be responded to within a week?”


(G)         Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness


“What is the latest update on progress to provide a permanent home for the Covid-19 Cobra snake?”


(H)          Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC


“Why are opposition parties not allowed to be Chair of any Scrutiny functions?”


(I)            Question from Councillor Graham Snell


“Why does it take so long for the Council to evict tenants who are in clear and continuing breach of their tenancy agreement when backed with reported and documented instances of repeated anti-social behaviour?  Will the Council lobby the Government to grant stronger powers to local authorities to act in such situations?”


(J)           Question from Councillor Alex Farquharson


Can the Leader expand on her stance towards GSK’s £400 million investment in Stevenage?”


The Council received ten questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders.  The responses to the ten questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


(A)       Question from Councillor Margaret Notley re: substitutes on committees


No supplementary question was asked.


(B)       Question from Councillor Nick Leech re: derelict oil container at Waverley Close


Supplementary question – “Would the Executive Portfolio Holder for Resources commit to a meeting with him and Councillor Chris Howells to investigate resolving the issues for one and all?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Resources replied that the oil container was situated on private land, and that she was unaware of any previous complaints regarding the matter.  She would await a legal view on the issue, including advice as to whether or not the container breached environmental and/or planning legislation, and she undertook to come back to Councillor Leech following receipt of this information.


(C)      Question from Councillor Adam Mitchell re: hedgerow trimming


No supplementary question was asked.


(D)      Question from Councillor Chris Howells re: cyclists, e-scooters and skateboarders in the town centre


Supplementary question – “How can the Council hope to attract more visitors to the Borough both before and after Town Centre Regeneration with the current high level of cyclists, e-scooters and skateboarders using the pedestrianised areas of the town centre?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Communities, Community Safety & Equalities replied that the Council had a very proactive Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team who were tackling the issues raised in the question, in association with Hertfordshire Constabulary.  She asked Councillor Howells to contact her and/or ASB Team officers should he experience further examples of this type of anti-social behaviour.


(E)       Question from Councillor Julie Ashley-Wren re: refurbishment works to leaseholders of SBC owned flats


In the absence of Councillor Ashley-Wren, Councillor Robin Parker asked the following Supplementary question – “Can the SBC Leaseholders be written to now to be advised of the Council’s plans and reasons for the delay, and have any of them opted for an independent check of their final accounts?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing, Health & Older People replied that a letter would be going out to the first tranche of Leaseholders with their bills and explaining the reasons for delay.  The bills had yet to be sent out, and the costs had been capped, with the majority of bills below the estimated costs.  As the bills had not yet been sent out, it was not possible to give an indication as to how many Leaseholders had opted for independent checks.


(F)       Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: “Your Say” system


Supplementary question – “Would the Council consider improving this service by allowing councillors to engage more directly with Assistant Director level officers (or their senior assistants) on “Your Say” issues?”


The Executive Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods & Co-operative Council replied that he accepted that there had been an increase in enquiries through the “Your Say” system during Covid lockdown and afterwards.  He would be meeting officers in the near future  ...  view the full decision text for item 11.



To consider an update report on the Town Centre Regeneration Programme, and proposals for Towns Fund decision making.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report in respect of an update on the Transforming our Town Centre Programme and seeking approval of the Towns Fund decision-making process.


It was moved by Councillor John Gardner, and seconded by Councillor Sharon Taylor, that the recommendations in the report be approved.


In response to Member questions regarding the number of new high rise flats contained in the Towns Fund proposals in the light of likely different working patterns following the Covid pandemic, the Executive Portfolio Holder for Environment & Regeneration commented that one of the objectives was to provide homes to house residents as well as those attracted into the area to take up jobs associated with the growing Stevenage business sector, especially the pharmaceutical and STEM Gene and Cell Therapy units comprising the GlaxoSmithKline and Bioscience Catalyst campus.


Upon the motion being put to the vote, it was




1.          That the progress of the regeneration programme be noted.


2.          That the progress of Towns Fund programme to date, including the obligations of the Council as the Accountable Body for the Towns Fund, be noted.


3.          That the creation of an Officer Panel to support the discharge of the Council’s obligations as Accountable Body be noted and approved.


4.          That the review and approval of Towns Fund Business Cases be delegated to the Executive.


5.          That it be noted that there will be future decision points for a number of Council-sponsored projects, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, following approval of the Towns Fund Business Cases and release of funding by the MHCLG.


6.          That the inclusion of the £37.5 million within the Council’s Capital Strategy be noted, and it be further noted that this is aligned with the Heads of Terms agreement with MHCLG, and that authorisation for Council match-funding will be reserved until the relevant Business Case is approved.



The report circulated at Item 13 was considered by the Executive on 15 September 2021 when the following recommendations to Council were agreed:


1.          That the 2020/21 Annual Treasury Management Review be recommended to Council for approval.


2.          That Council be recommended to approve that the wording in Appendix C, Table 1 of the report (Specified Investments Criteria) be amended as set out in Paragraph of the report, in order to allow the use of Enhanced Cash Funds included in Table 3 (Treasury Limits).

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report in respect of the Annual Treasury Management Review 2020/21, including the Prudential Code.  It was noted that the report had been endorsed by both the Audit Committee and the Executive.


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Joan Lloyd, and seconded by Councillor Sharon Taylor, that Recommendations 2.3 and 2.4 in the report be approved.


In reply to a Member question regarding the status of Aberdeen MMF, one of the money market funds invested in by the Council during the year, the Strategic Director (CF) undertook to investigate and supply an e-mail response to the Member.


Upon the motion being put to the vote, it was




1.          That the 2020/21 Annual Treasury Management Review be approved.


2.          That the wording in Appendix C, Table 1 of the report (Specified Investments Criteria) be amended as set out in Paragraph of the report, in order to allow the use of Enhanced Cash Funds included in Table 3 (Treasury Limits).



To note the Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 8 September 2021.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 8 September 2021 were received.