Agenda and minutes

Planning and Development Committee - Monday, 12 August 2024 6.30pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Alex Marsh (01438 242587)  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rob Broom, Akin Elekolusi and Coleen Houlihan.


Cllr Ellie Plater declared that her husband was a ward councillor for Almond Hill in relation to Item 3 (Ellis Avenue). She assured the committee that there was no predetermination and that she was approaching the matter with an open mind.


Cllr Lynda Guy declared an interest as her property bordered Ellis Avenue. She stated that she had no predetermination and that she was approaching the matter with an open mind.


At this juncture the Chair reminded Members that a new voting procedure would be introduced as per an email circulated by the Assistant Director, Planning and Regulation. At the end of each item there would be a recorded vote with the Committee Clerk calling each Member to vote in turn. Members could vote for, against or abstain. Those who voted against the Officer’s recommendation would be required to provide a planning justification for their decision.



To consider retention of car port.


The Chair introduced the item and welcomed two registered speakers, Mrs Valerie Quar and Dr Carl O’Brien.


The Team Leader (AD) provided background on the application. The barn, originally part of Stebbing Farm (a Grade II listed building), was converted to residential use in 1993 and was now a curtilage listed building. The application related to the retention of a timber-framed carport. The Committee were shown photographs illustrating the carport’s visibility from neighbouring properties and public areas.

Mrs Quar advised that she was speaking on behalf of residents of Kessingland Avenue, opposing the carport. The Committee was informed that the carport was out of character with the surrounding area, visually intrusive, and harmful to the heritage setting of Stebbing Farm. Mrs Quar highlighted the significant overbearing impact on the adjacent property at No. 3 Kessingland Avenue and claimed that it violated local and national planning policies.


Dr O’Brien acknowledged the retrospective nature of the application and emphasised efforts to mitigate the structure’s impact by lowering its height and choosing materials that blended with the surroundings. Dr O’Brien apologised to the Committee for the oversight in not obtaining planning permission beforehand and noted that he had fully complied with the Local Planning Authority once informed of the requirement.

The Team Leader (AD) concluded and cited a heritage consultant’s assessment that the carport did not harm the significance of the curtilage-listed barn or the Grade II listed Stebbing Farm. The Team Leader (AD) addressed concerns about the carport’s impact on neighbouring properties and stated that, while it was visible, the structure did not have a substantial overbearing effect that would warrant refusal of planning permission. The Officer Recommendation was to grant retrospective planning permission.


The Chair inquired about the options available to Committee if they were to refuse the application. The Team Leader (AD) responded that the Committee would need to provide clear planning reasons for a refusal and authorise the serving of an enforcement notice. Options could include requiring the applicant to lower the roof or dismantle the carport entirely.


Some Members asked questions related to the height of the carport and the materials used. The Team Leader (AD) clarified that while the barn did not have permitted development rights due to its curtilage-listed status, most properties could build structures up to 2.5 metres in height within two metres of a boundary without planning permission. Regarding the roof materials, the Committee were informed that matching the barn’s clay tiles would have required a steeper, and therefore higher, roof pitch, which had been avoided by using slate tiles to maintain a lower height.


The Head of Planning and Enforcement emphasised that the committee must decide on the application as it stood. If members wished to see the carport's height reduced, they would need to refuse the application and pursue enforcement action. He also clarified that there were no health and safety issues associated with the structure and reiterated the need for the committee to clearly articulate their grounds for refusal and any  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


24/00064/FPM - 18 - 24 ELLIS AVENUE pdf icon PDF 479 KB

To consider demolition of existing 2no. dwellings and erection of two storey building comprising 11no. dwellings, vehicle access, communal gardens, parking area, bin store, cycle store and ancillary works.


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application submitted by the Council's Housing and Development team. The proposal was to demolish two existing residential dwellings on the corner of Ellis Avenue and Walkern Road and replace them with a flatted development comprising eleven units.


The Committee were informed that the site currently consisted of two houses on a corner plot, surrounded by residential properties. The new development would include an undercroft parking area with flats above, and additional parking along the sides. The layout was adjusted following objections, with bin storage moved inside the building and cycle storage placed outside.


The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that Stevenage had a 5.59-year housing land supply. The development was considered a windfall site on partially developed land, fitted within the footprint of the existing buildings. The project was located in a sustainable area with good access to public transport, schools, healthcare, and other amenities.


The Committee heard that the new flats would be of a similar height to surrounding properties, ensuring the development blended in with the existing neighbourhood. Although the proposal slightly contravened policies regarding private amenity space and car parking (providing 13 spaces instead of the required 15), its sustainable location and provision of cycle storage were seen as mitigating factors.


The Senior Planning Officer concluded by stating that the development would provide a minimum of three affordable housing units, exceeding policy requirements. Additionally, the project boasted a significant biodiversity net gain of 109%. The design met all internal space standards, and no major concerns were raised by Environmental Health or the Flood Authority. The Officer Recommendation was to grant planning permission.


The Chair invited the Applicant to address the Committee.

The Assistant Director, Housing Development elaborated on the rationale behind the application and highlighted that the existing properties were in disrepair. The new development was intended to address housing needs by providing modern, affordable units. Although the planning application mentioned a minimum of three affordable units, the Council intended to make the entire development affordable housing. However, this was not stipulated in the application in order to retain financial flexibility for future borrowing and potential government grants.

Members asked questions related to traffic and parking concerns, terminology regarding affordable housing, the site plan, and ongoing consultation.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that a transport assessment had been carried out and reviewed by the Highways Authority, Hertfordshire County Council. The assessment concluded that the development would not significantly impact traffic safety.

The Senior Planning Officer clarified that the parking provision, while slightly below policy compliance, included good bicycle storage to encourage non-car transport.

The Senior Planning Officer clarified that what appeared to be trees on the plan were intended to represent hedging, not mature trees. Those hedges would be planted as saplings and would grow to a height that would be maintained by the council, typically to a height of around 1.82 metres, which was generally considered the standard height for boundary hedges. This height was sufficient to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


24/00419/FP - 463 - 467 CANTERBURY WAY pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To consider proposed re-roofing to main building, replacement guttering, downpipes, fascias, external doors and windows and replace balustrading to existing balconies.


The Senior Planning Officer led the Committee through the application which was for the refurbishment of a block of flats on Canterbury Way. The Committee were informed that the refurbishment was primarily focused on upgrading materials and improving the energy efficiency of the building.


The Committee heard that the application included changes to the balcony balustrades, panelling, doors and windows, as well as upgrading the roof. The visual alterations would be minimal.

The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that the balcony panels would be replaced with grey aluminium, the external storage doors would be updated to grey aluminium framed doors, the white windows would be replaced with white UPVC, and the roof would be upgraded to a slightly darker grey. The black balcony balustrades would remain but would be enhanced with improved materials.


The Committee were informed that the refurbishments would adhere to stringent energy efficiency standards, specifically PAS 2035, ensuring the building met current government regulations for retrofitting properties. The Officer Recommendation was to grant planning permission.


A recorded vote* was then taken on the application and it was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions and informatives:


1       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

CDS585(ADC392) 463-467CW-01; CDS585-ADC392-AD-676; CDS585(AD392) 463-467CW-03; CD-ADC392-463-467CW-04;


2       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


3       The external materials used in the development to which this permission relates shall be those detailed on the approved plans and in the accompanying planning submission documents unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.




 1         Public Information on Planning Applications

            Warning: all information provided on your planning application is now publicly available. Individuals and organisations offering their services may contact you. The Council does not endorse or approve any builders, surveyors, trades persons or other supplier, and advises householders to obtain quotes/references, and check the legitimacy of any contractor who contacts them before making payment.


 2         Community Infrastructure Levy

            Stevenage Borough Council adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule at Full Council on 27 January 2020 and started implementing CIL on 01 April 2020.


            This application may be liable for CIL payments and you are advised to contact the CIL Team for clarification with regard to this. If your development is CIL liable, even if you are granted an exemption from the levy, please be advised that it is a requirement under Regulation 67 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) that CIL Form 6 (Commencement Notice) must be completed, returned and acknowledged by Stevenage Borough Council before building works start. Failure to do so will mean you risk losing the right to payment by instalments and a surcharge will be imposed. NB, please note that a Commencement Notice is not required for residential extensions if relief has been granted.


            Stevenage's adopted CIL Charging Schedule and further details of CIL can be found on the Council's  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


24/00418/FP - 99 - 103 CANTERBURY WAY pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To consider proposed re-roofing to main building, replacement guttering, downpipes, fascias, external doors and windows and replace balustrading to existing balconies.


The Senior Planning Officer led the Committee through the application which was for the refurbishment of a block of flats on Canterbury Way. The Committee were informed that the refurbishment was primarily focused on upgrading materials and improving the energy efficiency of the building.


The Committee heard that the application included changes to the balcony balustrades, panelling, doors and windows, as well as upgrading the roof. The visual alterations would be minimal.


The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that the balcony panels would be replaced with grey aluminium, the external storage doors would be updated to grey aluminium framed doors, the white windows would be replaced with white UPVC, and the roof would be upgraded to a slightly darker grey. The black balcony balustrades would remain, but would be enhanced with improved materials.


The Committee were informed that the refurbishments would adhere to stringent energy efficiency standards, specifically PAS 2035, ensuring the building met current government regulations for retrofitting properties. The Officer Recommendation was to grant planning permission.


A recorded vote* was then taken on the application and it was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions and informatives:


1       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

CDS585(ADV392)00-103CW-02 Rev P1; CD585(ADC392)99-103CW-03 Rev P1; CDS585(ADC392)99-103CW-01 Rev P1 Site Location Plan; CDS585(ADC392)99-103CW-04 Rev P1; CDS585(ADC392)-AD-676 Rev P1;


2       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


3       The external materials used in the development to which this permission relates shall be those detailed on the approved plans and in the accompanying planning submission documents unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.




 1         Public Information on Planning Applications

            Warning: all information provided on your planning application is now publicly available. Individuals and organisations offering their services may contact you. The Council does not endorse or approve any builders, surveyors, trades persons or other supplier, and advises householders to obtain quotes/references, and check the legitimacy of any contractor who contacts them before making payment.



 2         Community Infrastructure Levy

            Stevenage Borough Council adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule at Full Council on 27 January 2020 and started implementing CIL on 01 April 2020.


            This application may be liable for CIL payments and you are advised to contact the CIL Team for clarification with regard to this. If your development is CIL liable, even if you are granted an exemption from the levy, please be advised that it is a requirement under Regulation 67 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) that CIL Form 6 (Commencement Notice) must be completed, returned and acknowledged by Stevenage Borough Council before building works start. Failure to do so will mean you risk losing the right to payment by instalments and a surcharge will be imposed. NB, please note that a Commencement Notice is not required for residential extensions if relief has been granted.


            Stevenage's adopted CIL Charging  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


24/00281/FP - 1-14 CAVALIER COURT pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To consider replacement cladding, communal entrance doors and windows to flats and communal areas, together with replacement flat roof covering, fascias, gutters, downpipes, external balustrading.


The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that the application pertained to the refurbishment of Cavalier Court, located on Ingleside Drive near the hospital. The work involved updating and upgrading various elements of the building, such as cladding, doors, windows, and roofing materials. While the refurbishment was more extensive than the previous applications, the overall visual appearance of the building will remain largely unchanged.


The Committee heard that the existing timber cladding, which had reached the end of its lifespan, would be replaced with new white UPVC cladding and associated fittings. New white UPVC double-glazed windows and iron-grey, matte-finished aluminium framed entrance doors would be installed. Steel external doors with digilocks would also be fitted. The roof covering, fascias, gutters, and downpipes would be renewed. The existing balustrading on balconies and ground floor patios will be replaced with black metal balustrades.

In response to a Member question regarding potential charges to leaseholders, the Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that this aspect was not a planning consideration and therefore not within the remit of the Planning and Development Committee.


A recorded vote* was then taken on the application and it was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions and informatives:


1          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: CD-ADC392-1-14CC-100 P1, CD-ADC392-1-14CC-101 P1, CD-ADC392-1-14CC-200 P1, CD-ADC392-1-14CC-201 P1, CD-ADC392-1-14CC-202 P1, CD-ADC392-1-14CC-203 P1;


2          The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


 3         The materials to be used in the development hereby permitted shall be as per the approved plans and associated documents to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.




 1         Public Information on Planning Applications

            Warning: all information provided on your planning application is now publicly available. Individuals and organisations offering their services may contact you. The Council does not endorse or approve any builders, surveyors, trades persons or other supplier, and advises householders to obtain quotes/references, and check the legitimacy of any contractor who contacts them before making payment.


 2         Community Infrastructure Levy

            Stevenage Borough Council adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule at Full Council on 27 January 2020 and started implementing CIL on 01 April 2020.


            This application may be liable for CIL payments and you are advised to contact the CIL Team for clarification with regard to this. If your development is CIL liable, even if you are granted an exemption from the levy, please be advised that it is a requirement under Regulation 67 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) that CIL Form 6 (Commencement Notice) must be completed, returned and acknowledged by Stevenage Borough Council before building works start. Failure to do so will mean you risk losing the right to payment by instalments and a surcharge will be imposed. NB, please note that a Commencement Notice is not required for residential extensions if relief has been granted.


            Stevenage's adopted CIL Charging Schedule and further  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



To note a report on decisions taken by the Assistant Director Planning and Regulatory in accordance with his delegated authority.


It was RESOLVED that the Information Report – Delegated Decisions be noted.



To note a report on decisions taken by the Assistant Director Planning and Regulatory in accordance with his delegated authority.

Additional documents:


It was RESOLVED that the Information Report – Appeals / Called In Decisions be noted.



To consider any Part I Business accepted by the Chair as urgent.


There was none.



To consider the following motions that:


1.    Under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in paragraphs 1-7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act as amended by Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.


2.    That Members consider the reasons for the following reports (if any)being in Part II and determine whether or not maintaining the exemption from disclosure of the information contained therein outweighs the public interest in disclosure.



Not required.



To consider any Part II Business accepted by the Chair as urgent.


There was none.