Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Community Select Committee (Item 5)


To consider the report on the review of Leisure Contract with Stevenage Leisure Limited

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Part II report on the Review of the Leisure Contract with Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL).  The report summarised the commissioned review undertaken in 2016/17 by leisure industry specialists, and outlined highlighted action areas to improve the efficiency of the contract for the Council and progress to date, with a number of opportunities being developed through the new Leisure Innovation Group.


The Committee made the following comments regarding the report:


·           Whilst acknowledging the requirement for SLL to expedite cost cutting and efficiencies and new income generation, a balance needed to be struck between this and providing an effective range of services to the community;


·           Consideration be given to enhancing the food and beverage offer at Fairland Valley Park so that refreshments can be available to the public outside of the hours operated by the café (possibly by pop up food/drink stalls; picnic packages for childrens’ parties, etc.);


·           The Fairland Valley Park Summer Brochure should make it clear which facilities needed to be booked in advance and which could be accessed by turning up and paying – SLL to consider the possible introduction of an online booking system;


·           The Cycle Hub and Trim Trail in the Park should be clearly signposted, and the disabled parking area should be highlighted;


·           The proposals for Performance Indicators relating to Theatre usage by Stevenage residents and plans for potentially increasing swimming pool space (either through a future combined wet/dry facility or “pop up” pool)  were welcomed.




·           That the outcome of the review and the actions undertaken to date be noted.


·           That the comments and views of the Select Committee, as outlined above, in relation to the opportunities emerging from the joint SBC/SLL Innovation Group, be considered by the Group in its ongoing work.


The Committee considered the Part II report on the Review of the Leisure Contract with Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL).  The report summarised the commissioned review undertaken in 2016/17 by leisure industry specialists, and outlined highlighted action areas to improve the efficiency of the contract for the Council and progress to date, with a number of opportunities being developed through the new Leisure Innovation Group.


The Assistant Director for Communities and Neighbourhood (ADCN) introduced Richard Allan (SLL Operations Director) who was attending the meeting to help answer Members’ questions.


The ADCN drew attention to the appendix to the report, and summarised the progress updates (as at June 2018) in respect of the Key Findings of the consultant’s report.


The ADCN, assisted by the SLL Operations Director, answered a number of Members’ questions on the report.


Upon a Members’ request, the ADCN undertook to offer to provide all Members of the Committee with a copy of the consultant’s report.


In respect of ideas for increasing pool capacity, the ADCN advised that two options were under consideration, namely the development of a larger new combined wet/dry leisure facility or a “pop up” pool for swimming lessons for those aged 3 months and upwards.


The ADCN tabled the draft Fairland Valley Park Summer Brochure produced by the Innovation Group, and drew attention to the new initiatives being proposed for the summer, including pedaloes on the Millennium Lake, archery and an adventure play area.  These were relatively small cost items, but it was hoped that they would help to raise the profile of the Park.  The Committee was impressed with the Brochure and the proposed service offer.


On behalf of a Committee Member who had been unable to attend the meeting, the Chair asked two questions, the first being how SLL was helping to advance SBC’s health, cultural and social strategies.  The reply was that SLL was helping in a wide variety of ways, including the provision of NHS referrals, cardio-vascular facilities and the theatre being heavily involved in the Council’s Cultural Strategy.  In response to the second question, regarding how many Stevenage residents were taking part in various cultural activities, including theatre attendances, it was noted that this type of information would be captured as part of some new Performance Indicators to be introduced for the 2018/19 financial year.


The Committee made the following comments regarding the report:


·           Whilst acknowledging the requirement for SLL to expedite cost cutting and efficiencies and new income generation, a balance needed to be struck between this and providing an effective range of services to the community;


·           Consideration be given to enhancing the food and beverage offer at Fairland Valley Park so that refreshments can be available to the public outside of the hours operated by the café (possibly by pop up food/drink stalls; picnic packages for childrens’ parties, etc.);


·           The Fairland Valley Park Summer Brochure should make it clear which facilities needed to be booked in advance and which could be accessed by turning up and paying  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5