Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/01/2018 - Executive (Item 9.)

9. DRAFT CAPITAL STRATEGY 2017/18-2022/23 pdf icon PDF 282 KB

To consider a report that includes proposals for revisions to the 2017/18 General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme and the draft Capital Programme for 2018/19 for consideration by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Report & Appendices attached


Additional documents:


The Executive was of the view that when developing the capital strategy there needed to be clear links with the Asset Management Strategy that was to be considered by the Executive in February, together with the Council’s Future Town Future Council programme.  Members requested that consultation take place with all Portfolio Holders before the Asset management Strategy was put to Executive [MP1] to ensure that capital spending met Community needs.


There was concern that sometimes works were being undertaken in Wards unbeknown to Ward Councillors.  It was considered that this was particularly the case for work undertaken by HCC.




1.  That the revised General Fund and HRA 2017/18 capital programme, as detailed in Appendix A and Appendix B to the report are approved.


2.  That the draft 2018/19 General Fund Capital Programme as detailed in Appendix A to the report is approved for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


3.  That the draft 2018/19 HRA Capital Programme as detailed in Appendix B to the report is approved for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


4.  That the updated forecast of resources as summarised inAppendix A (General Fund) and Appendix B (HRA) to the report is approved.


5.  That the Government’s potential changes to prudential borrowing and MRP as outlined in paragraph 3.21-3.26 of the report are noted.


6.  That the approach to resourcing the General Fund capital programme as outlined in paragraph 4.3.6 and 4.3.11 of the report is approved.


7.  That the growth bids identified for inclusion in the Capital Strategy (Appendix C to the report) are approved.


8. That the 2018/19 de-minimis expenditure limit (section 4.7 of the report) is  approved for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


9.  That the 2018/19 contingency allowance (section 4.8 of the report) is approved for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


10.  That the work undertaken by LFSG on behalf of the Executive in reviewing and challenging the General Fund Capital Strategy is noted.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in the report.

Other Options Considered:  As contained in the report.

 [MP1]I didn’t pick up on the residents groups point. I think this will be a push too far before Feb Exec but Clare may wish to consider. .