Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 3.)



To consider the Asset Management Strategy for the period 2025 to 2035 for the garage portfolio, following the cessation of the Garage Investment Programme (GIP).


Additional documents:


Cabinet received a report on the Garage Asset Management Programme.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Performance advised that since the commencement of the Garage Improvement Programme in 2016, the number of garage voids had reduced and income had increased.  During the next phase of the programme, it was proposed that the focus would be on the planned replacement of asbestos roofs and day to day repairs and maintenance.


Members were in support of the proposals in the report and agreed that garages were pivotal to the Council’s future income.


It was noted that although the voids figures of garages had decreased considerably, the ultimate ambition was to secure zero voids.  Cabinet was also advised that best use of the garage sites would always be carefully considered including the potential for some locations to be repurposed for Housing Development.  As a cross cutting key council issue, the Portfolio Holder stated that Member oversight could be provided via an approach similar to the  Executive Housing Board.


It was RESOLVED that:

1.   The Council’s new Garage Asset Management Plan 2025 to 2035, set out at Appendix A to the report be approved.

2.   That the financial plan as set out in paragraph 4.20 to 4.30 to help support the delivery of the plan be approved.

3.   Council be recommended to approve a £4.5Million budget for planned preventive maintenance (PPM) asbestos roof replacements over 7 years.

4.   Council be recommended to approve a budget of £250K per annum for the life of the plan (ten years) for reactive capital repairs, and that will be built into the Capital Strategy 2025/26.

5.   That it be noted that an increase in garage income of £179K as identified in paragraph 4.28 of the report, to be incorporated in the final General Fund (GF) Budget 2025/26 report that will be presented to the February 2025 Cabinet to fund:

i.     An increase in the reactive revenue repairs budget of £29k to £120k per annum.

ii.    The remaining £150K to support the cost of borrowing.

6.         That the proposed procurement route for a new repair works contract as outlined in paragraphs 4.4 to 4.7 of the report be approved.

7.         That a specialist asbestos contractor be appointed to undertake the replacement of asbestos roofs, as outlined in paragraphs 4.8 to 4.13 of the report.

8.         That the Strategic Director (RP), after consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Transformation, be given delegated authority, to award and finalise the terms of both contracts.

9.         That disposal of garage sites will come back to Members on a case-by-case basis for decision.