Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/07/2024 - Council (Item 12.)


In accordance with Standing Orders, written answers to the following questions will be circulated on a supplementary agenda.


(A) Question from Councillor Robin Parker

What progress has been made since the Council meeting of 20 December 2023 when Council agreed, inter alia, to investigate the installation of wildlife-friendly lighting in Fairlands Valley Park? 

Have similar sites in other local authorities been researched?

Has suitable technology been fully considered?

(B) Question from Councillor Stephen Booth

Following the successful trials by South Cambridgeshire Council of switching council employees to working a four-day week, what has the Council done to investigate the important outcomes of this important trial, and what impact it could have specifically for Stevenage Borough Council?

(B)Question from Councillor Andy McGuinness

What is the total amount received in capital receipts from land sales owned by the Council (excluding Right to Buy & property receipts) in each year covering the financial periods since 2019-2020?


(C) Question from Councillor Phil Bibby

Does the Cabinet Member consider there is enough ‘Grey Belt’ land in Stevenage to cater for the Labour Government’s likely increase in house building targets?





The Council received four questions from Members to Committee Chairs/Portfolio Holders.  The responses to the four questions had been published in the supplementary agenda for the meeting.


(A)      Question from Councillor Robin Parker CC re: lighting in Fairlands Valley Park

Supplementary question – what is the timescale on this matter and could a regular progress report come to Members to keep them updated.  In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Performance, the Deputy Leader agreed that a written response would be sent to Councillor Parker.


(B)      Question from Councillor Stephen Booth re: a four day working week for Council officers

Supplementary question – “Subject to the outcome of the research and ongoing studies would the Council be in favour of the four day week for officers? 


The Deputy Leader advised that the Council would be monitoring the outcome of the research and make a decision at the appropriate time.


(C)  Question from Councillor McGuinness regarding land sales.

Supplementary question – could the Portfolio Holder outline in a bit more detail where the capital receipts were actually spent and were any of the spends ringfenced for similar programmes where the assets came from originally?


The Deputy Leader advised that the sale of land had helped to fund projects such as parks and open space schemes, vehicles and plant, fire protection works at Cavendish Road and spend on commercial and operational buildings.  All information could also be found in the quarterly monitoring reports submitted to Cabinet.  The majority of the £6m receipt related to the sale of the Marshgate Car Park and ringfenced for regeneration projects in the Town.  Councillor Thomas agreed to send the full details in her response to Councillor McGuinness in writing.


(D)      Question from Councillor Bibby concerning the use of grey belt land.

Supplementary question – in relation to green belt land in neighbouring authorities, does the Portfolio Holder expect other authorities to build on this land and would SBC be objecting to those green belt developments.


In the Portfolio Holder’s absence, the Deputy Leader agreed to arrange for a written response to Councillor Bibby.