Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/07/2024 - Council (Item 3.)


To receive any communications that the Mayor may wish to put before the Council.


The Mayor referred to a list of seventy events he had supported since May which had been circulated at the meeting and gave a report on a number of highlights including:


·         The 8th birthday of Stevenage Parkrun at Fairlands Valley Park;

·         The NHS Charity Rainbow Run and Wollenwick’s Colour Run;

·         Stevenage Day;

·         Town Twinning Visit;

·         Two visits with the Air Ambulance charity;

·         Presentations at Marriotts School;

·         Covid Cobra 4th anniversary;


The Mayor also reminded Members of the Stevenage Rotary Club charity quiz on 7 September, a garden party on 29 September and the Together Awards on 26 October 2024.