To consider the change of use of parking bays to facilitate construction of outdoor seating area associated with 56-58 High Street, Stevenage.
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It was RESOLVED that application 23/00482/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the report, and with the addition of the words ‘located within a conservation area’ in the reason for Condition 4, after the word development.
The Committee considered an application for the change of use of parking bays to facilitate construction of an outdoor seating area associated with 56 – 58 High Street, Stevenage
The application was before the Committee for determination as the application had been called in by Councillor Loraine Rossati due to the potential impact on neighbouring properties, car parking and highway safety.
The Senior Planning Officer gave an introduction to the Committee. She reminded Members that the application had been deferred previously to seek amended plans to remove the proposed highways works to the front of the building.
The Chair then invited Mr Edward Veale, Chair of the Stevenage Old Town Business and Community Partnership to address the Committee. Mr Veale advised that he was concerned by the proposal, and expressed worries about both the loss of parking, and the precedent that could be set for changing the space from public to commercial use.
The Chair then invited Russell Linnard, on behalf of the applicant to address the Committee. Mr Linnard advised that amended plans had now been submitted which had removed the previously sought works to the front of the property. The existing dropped kerb to the west of the proposed works would also be reinstated resulting in a net loss of 3no. parking spaces. Mr Linnard also advised that no objections had been raised by Herts County Council as Highways Authority, SBC Engineers Department or BEAMS.
The Chair thanked both speakers for their contributions to the meeting.
The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the applicant had provided an amended plan which no longer included the works to the front of the premises and also made clear with annotations that the existing dropped kerb to the west of the proposed works on the southern side of the property would be removed and made good. As a result of the removal of the dropped kerb, a parking space would be generated on the highway confirming the net loss of only 3no. spaces.
In response to a number of questions/comments from Members, the Senior Panning Officer advised:
· The change of use of the land would be covered by a pavement licence, the issuing of which is a separate function of the Council and not a Planning matter;
· This application was only concerned with the proposed engineering works, comprising the removal of parking bays, a widened public footpath and associated kerbs and ancillary works;
· Additional disabled spaces would be considered as part of the County Council’s forthcoming Plan for the Old Town;
· The Reason for Condition 4 would be amended to refer to the application site being within a Conservation Area.
It was RESOLVED that application 23/00482/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions
1 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
RL3883-02; 457-09-Rev B
2 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
3 Prior to the first use of the ... view the full minutes text for item 3