To consider an overview of the work undertaken, including public consultation, to develop a Stevenage Cycle Hire Scheme.
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The Executive considered a report providing an overview of the work undertaken, including public consultation, to develop a Stevenage Cycle Hire Scheme.
In reply to a series of Member questions, officers commented:
· Discussions would be ongoing with the operator regarding the programme/timescales for Phases 1A and 1B of the Scheme, with the intention of both phases being implemented as soon as practicably possible; and
· Officers were requested to liaise with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) officers with a view to HCC providing a financial contribution to support the Scheme through use of Section 106/Community Infrastructure Levy funds.
A discussion ensued regarding the locations of the bike storage units and electrical charging points, and it was agreed that Ward Members should be consulted about these before any works commenced. It was suggested that it might be appropriate for an event to be held after the May 2024 Elections, in order that the views of newly-elected Members could be taken into account. This could take the form of an all-Member overview meeting, followed by individual area/ward meetings (similar to the Policing Priority meetings).
1. That the progress made in the Stevenage Cycle Hire Scheme and work undertaken by officers up to September 2023 (as set out in Appendices A, B, C, D, E and F of the report) be noted.
2. That the ongoing strategic direction and final steps for the Cycle Hire Scheme, to further develop the proposal for a scheme in Stevenage, be approved.
3. That it be noted that the comments of the Environment & Economy Select Committee have been sought and considered on the content of the report.
4. That it be noted that engagement with key stakeholders will continue, ahead of incorporating the Cycle Hire Scheme.
Reason for Decision: As contained in report.
Other Options considered: As contained in report.
The Executive considered a report providing an overview of the work undertaken, including public consultation, to develop a Stevenage Cycle Hire Scheme.
The Portfolio Holder for Economy & Transport advised that the proposed Scheme built on a Feasibility Study for such a scheme carried out in 2019. This Feasibility Study was based on the methodology used for similar schemes in Guildford, Watford, Derby and Manchester. The Feasibility Study was updated in 2023.
The Portfolio Holder for Economy & Transport stated that the Scheme contained a range of policy objectives which aligned with the Local Plan, Stevenage Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan, Stevenage Cycling Strategy, Stevenage Mobility Strategy and National Active Transport policy direction. The Scheme had to satisfy the following 4 points:
· Reducing greenhouse and local pollutant emission in Stevenage to help tackle Climate Change and improve air quality;
· To improve quality, accessibility and affordability of clean modes of active transport within Stevenage, and offer people an efficient way of connecting with public transport as an alternative to using their car;
· Improving journey times and connectivity in and around Stevenage; and
· To encourage a modal shift from cars to bicycles.
The Portfolio Holder for Economy & Transport explained that the Council’s Climate Change Strategy was an important aspect that drove the Scheme, with that Strategy setting a target that Stevenage had net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
The Portfolio Holder for Economy & Transport commented that a Cycle Hire Scheme for Stevenage could offer many economic benefits, such as increased tourism (where cyclists were more likely to stop and shop, thereby creating revenue for local businesses). The Scheme could also create jobs in maintenance, customer service and administration. The Scheme also offered the opportunity to enhance mobility within Stevenage to improve access to affordable and convenient transportation options.
The Portfolio Holder for Economy & Transport advised that the Scheme embraced National Planning Policy for active travel and was consistent with Hertfordshire County Council’s Transport Vision 2025. A business and community engagement event was held in September 2023 to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to understand what a Stevenage Scheme could look like, involving case studies from around the UK. At the event participants were able to meet and greet cycle hire operators, demonstrate a variety of cycles, give their views on a proposed Stevenage Scheme and complete a consultation survey.
The Portfolio Holder for Economy & Transport reported that a total of 1,137 public responses were received to the formal consultation on the Scheme, along with representations from key stakeholders.
In reply to a series of Member questions, officers commented:
· Discussions would be ongoing with the operator regarding the programme/timescales for Phases 1A and 1B of the Scheme, with the intention of both phases being implemented as soon as practicably possible; and
· Officers were requested to liaise with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) officers with a view to HCC providing a financial contribution to support the Scheme through use of Section 106/Community Infrastructure Levy funds.
A discussion ensued regarding the locations of the bike storage units and ... view the full minutes text for item 8