Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/01/2024 - Council (Item 9)


To receive updates from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the recent activities of those Committees.


The Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee advised that the Committee had only met once since the previous Council meeting.  The Committee had primarily discussed the various Budget reports, including the final Housing Revenue Account and Rent Setting report for 2024/25.  The Committee also debated “Making Stevenage Even Better”, the Council’s proposed new Corporate Plan


The Chair of the Community Select Committee advised that the Committee had met on 8 January 2024 at which it had concluded its work on the scrutiny of the Housing Repairs Service.  In that regard, the Committee had agreed 9 constructive recommendations for improvements to the Service, which had been supported by officers.


The Chair of the Environment & Economy Select Committee advised that the Committee had finalised its scrutiny reviews of Bus Services and the Cost of Living crisis.  Looking forward, the Committee would be carrying out some work in February on its plans for the 2024/25 Civic Year, followed by a session on bio-diversity and the Climate Change Strategy, and in March would be carrying out some work relating to the Decarbonisation of the Council’s Housing stock.


The Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee advised that the Committee had only met once since the previous Council meeting.  The Committee had primarily discussed the various Budget reports, including the final Housing Revenue Account and Rent Setting report for 2024/25.  The Committee also debated “Making Stevenage Even Better”, the Council’s proposed new Corporate Plan


The Chair of the Community Select Committee advised that the Committee had met on 8 January 2024 at which it had concluded its work on the scrutiny of the Housing Repairs Service.  In that regard, the Committee had agreed 9 constructive recommendations for improvements to the Service, which had been supported by officers.


The Chair of the Environment & Economy Select Committee advised that the Committee had finalised its scrutiny reviews of Bus Services and the Cost of Living crisis.  Looking forward, the Committee would be carrying out some work in February on its plans for the 2024/25 Civic Year, followed by a session on bio-diversity and the Climate Change Strategy, and in March would be carrying out some work relating to the Decarbonisation of the Council’s Housing stock.