Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/10/2021 - Council (Item 9.)


To receive updates from the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees on the recent activities of those Committees.


The Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee advised that, since the previous Council meeting, the Committee had met on a number of occasions to consider the Executive’s decisions.  One of these related to the Town Deal, and an interesting discussion had ensued, as summarised on page 33 of the agenda as part of the report to Council regarding this matter.


The Chair of the Community Select Committee stated that the Committee had met to scope out work in relation to pre-scrutiny of the proposed Heritage Centre, and visits were planned to similar facilities in Colchester and Milton Keynes to glean best quality advice and information.  The Committee would be inviting to a future meeting the new Manager whose responsibilities would include addressing damp and mould issues in SBC-owned housing properties.


The Chair of the Environment & Economy Select Committee had met on a number of occasions recently, and had interviewed internal and external witnesses prior to agreeing the scrutiny report on the Council’s response to the Covid crisis for onward submission to the Executive.  The Committee’s next major area of work would be to scrutinise the implementation of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, which would commence with a presentation from the Executive Portfolio Holder for Environment & Regeneration.