Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/10/2021 - Council (Item 8.)


In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, the Leader of the Opposition shall be given the opportunity to raise one matter relevant to the Borough that has arisen since the last meeting of the Council. The Leader of the Council shall then have the opportunity to advise the Council of matters relevant to the Borough that have arisen since the last meeting.


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Phil Bibby, asked the following question:


“How many SBC owned commercial properties in the town were currently unoccupied?”


The Leader of the Council undertook to provide a written answer to Councillor Bibby regarding this matter, which would be copied to all other Members.


The Leader of the Council, supported by the Executive Portfolio Holder for Economy, Enterprise & Transport, congratulated officers for their role in organising the  successful recent Old Town Live Music event.


The Council then received updates from the relevant Executive Portfolio Holders on the following matters:


·        Itrinergy;

·        Stevenage in the rankings;

·        Railways;

·        Paperless working on Committees;

·        Woman of the Year Award and Housing Heroes Award;

·        New Homes to be built and derelict land transformed;

·        Stevenage Against Domestic Abuse (SADA) nominated for Municipal Journal Award; and

·        COP26.


The Leader of the Opposition asked what the plans were for the Council’s Member Climate Change Working Group, which had not met for a number of months?


The Leader of the Council replied that there was a Climate Change update report being submitted to the Executive on 20 October 2021, part of which was to consider a way forward, including engagement with the Environment & Economy Select Committee and Climate Change Citizens’ Panel.  The outcome would be reported back to Members, including the future role of the Member Working Group.