Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/08/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 5.)


To consider a verbal update / presentation on the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Executive considered a verbal update/presentation on the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on national and Hertfordshire positions; SBC transition arrangements; progress on recovery; and Local Outbreak planning.


A Member questioned the quality and timeliness of Covid-19 data being disseminated from the Government to local authorities, and whether a statement regarding this matter should be released to the local press.  The Leader undertook to raise this matter at her forthcoming meeting with the other Hertfordshire Leaders and HCC’s Director of Public Health.


In response to a Member’s request, Officers undertook to seek to provide an update at the September 2020 Executive meeting regarding the number of people in Stevenage on furlough and other key employment statistics.


The Senior Environmental Health and Licensing Manager was requested to write to all Members of the Executive to give a flavour of the enforcement activities carried out by his Team during and after lockdown.


It was RESOLVED that the Covid-19 update be noted.