Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/06/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 5.)


To consider any Part I business accepted by the Chair as urgent.


The Chair accepted the following 3 items of urgent Part I business:


(1)    Coronavirus Update


The Strategic Director (TP) presented a Coronavirus update to Members which included a focus on the emerging recovery plans for the Town and the Council.


In response to various issues raised by Members, officers undertook to carry out the following action:


·        The Chief Executive to provide the Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People, Leisure & Culture the District Councils Network survey results revealing the parlous financial state of Local Authority Leisure Providers nationally, in advance of his imminent LGA Culture, Tourism & Sport Board meeting;

·        The Strategic Director (TP) to ascertain from the local bus companies their plans regarding services and passenger capacity now that lockdown restrictions were being eased, and to supply his findings to Members;

·        The Chief Executive to ensure that the Council works with the local Stevenage BEME Group to consider how the findings of the Public Health England (PHE) report on the impact of Covid-19 on the BEME community was reflected in Stevenage; and, in connection with this, the Chief Executive would check with the Hertfordshire Director of Public Health that the PHE report could be released to SBC Members;

·        The Strategic Director (RP) to review the street cleansing regime with regard to the removal of glass and other debris from the Borough’s cycleways; and

·        The Chief Executive would notify Members when the date of the first Stevenage Recovery Taskforce meeting was agreed.


(2)    Housing First Project


The Assistant Director (Housing & Investment) gave a presentation on the Housing First Project, in the light of the MCHLG’s request to all local authorities for the completion and return of a proforma by 11 June 2020 detailing their plans and proposals for supporting rough sleepers during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.


In reply to a Member’s query, the Assistant Director confirmed that, in the coming weeks, the hotel facilities currently being used to house rough sleepers would contain only those provided with temporary accommodation by Stevenage Borough Council.


Members supported the Assistant Director’s request for the extension of the block booking at the Stevenage Holiday Inn Express for a further 6 weeks for the continued provision of temporary accommodation for rough sleepers and/or those at risk of rough sleeping.


(3)    North of Stevenage Planning Application


The Chief Executive updated Members on recent developments in respect of the North of Stevenage planning application.