Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 8.)

8. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE 2019/20 - QUARTER 3 pdf icon PDF 284 KB

To consider the Council’s performance across key priorities and themes for Quarter 3 2019/20.

Additional documents:


In respect of the impact of Universal Credit on rent collection levels, the Leader asked officers to lobby the Government to allow rents to be paid directly to Councils, to avoid the potential for Universal Credit payments (to cover rent) not being subsequently paid by the tenants to Councils.  In addition, Members felt that, where appropriate, SBC tenants should be encouraged to apply to have such Universal Credit payments paid directly to the Council.


In respect of sickness absence, officers undertook to ensure that cases of absence due to coronavirus were recorded separately from the generic sickness figures.


The Leader was pleased to report that many of the performance highlights during Quarter 3 of 2019/20 referred to by the Chief Executive were to be mentioned in the forthcoming edition of the Council’s Chronicle magazine.


The Executive agreed that the Community Neighbourhood Management Programme should be added to the list of strategies and plans set out in Paragraph 3.4 of the report, which would be included within the “Place of Choice” strand of the Future Town, Future Council (FTFC) Programme.




1.         That the delivery of priorities which form the Future Town, Future Council Programme and performance of the Council across the key themes for Quarter Three 2019/20, together with the latest achievements, be noted.

2.         That the suite of strategies included in the scope of the new Place of Choice programme, as set out in Paragraph 3.4 of the report, be agreed, and that the progress being made in identifying associated actions to be tracked for 2020/21 be noted.

3.         That actions to commence implementation of the Corporate Landlord Review, and toensure the prompt certification of health and safety compliance of non-domestic/non-commercial Council buildings in accordance with the compliance contract, be noted and endorsed (Paragraphs 3.124 and 3.125 of the report).

4.         That further improvement plans for the Customer Service Centre be noted and endorsed (Paragraphs 3.119 to 3.123 of the report).

5.         That ongoing implementation of improved practices to support sickness absence management be endorsed (Paragraphs 3.110 to 3.112 of the report).


6.         That issues with the delay in inspections to Council garages be recognised and plans to improve garages lettings be noted (Paragraphs 3.93 to 3.95 of the report).


7.         That improvement plans for the collection of rent be endorsed (Paragraphs 3.72 to 3.73 of the report).


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.