Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/12/2019 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 5.)


To consider stage two of the review of Council-owned community centres operating across Stevenage in order to form the basis of a proposed future operating model.

Additional documents:


Members’ views on the report included:


·      Support for the hub and spoke model of community centre delivery; the proposals for the social clubs/bars; and the proposals for standardised (but with flexibility for some bespoke items) community centre leases, which would assist community associations in bids for funding;

·      It was hoped to replace or supplement community centre buildings, including the addition of one of significant size in the south of the town;

·      Further work should be undertaken on the percentage of population that used community centres in each area, in order to inform initiatives to encourage the introduction of a wider breadth of activities aimed at developing an enhanced use of the facilities.


The Executive supported an additional recommendation (that could form the basis of one of the standardised clauses in the leases) that organisations using SBC buildings, community assets or managing facilities or delivering services to the people of Stevenage should reflect the Council’s values and policies of inclusion and be politically neutral.




1.         That the findings of the stage two review of community centres, specifically the highlighted development themes and their individual targets, be noted.


2.         That the adoption of a Hub & Spoke Model in relation to both current and the development of future community centres, ensuring there are Community Hubs in the North, Central and South of Stevenage, be approved.


3.         That it be agreed that the findings of the Community Centre Review should inform future consideration on the provision of Community Facilities throughout Stevenage as part of redevelopment opportunities.


4.         That delegated authority be given to Strategic Director (TP), having consulted the Portfolio Holders for Communities, Community Safety & Equalities and Neighbourhoods & Co-operative Working, to negotiate new Leases and related contractual agreements with Community Associations.


5.         That the Co-operative Compact Partnership continues as a mechanism through which the model and social value framework can be further developed, building upon the collaborative working relationship between the Council and community associations.


6.         That organisations using SBC buildings, community assets or managing facilities or delivering services to the people of Stevenage should reflect the Council’s values and policies of inclusion and be politically neutral.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report; and 6. To ensure use of the buildings reflects SBC values and policies of inclusion.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.