Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/12/2019 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 4.)


To consider proposals for the next stage in the development of Co-operative Neighbourhoods.

Additional documents:


Members commented as follows:


·      The boundaries between the 6 proposed neighbourhood areas should provide for sufficient flexibility to acknowledge how local residents identified their community;

·      If possible, the full roll-out of the of the scheme to the other neighbourhood areas following the pilot area should take place in advance of the August 2020 proposed deadline; and

·      Residents should be provided with one initial point of contact, who would be responsible for forwarding on requests to the relevant officer(s).


In relation to the pilot neighbourhood of St. Nicholas and Martins Wood, the Executive agreed that this should encompass the streets to the north that bordered St. Nicholas Park which were currently in Woodfield Ward.




1.         That the establishment of 6 Cooperative Neighbourhood areas, based on the pre-2017 Hertfordshire County Council divisions (see Appendix A for map) be approved.  The 6 teams will form the basis of the Council’s strategic approach to: delivering localised, responsive, coordinated and collaborative services; working with partners; and engaging with the different communities of Stevenage.


2.         That the direction of travel set out in the report be approved, and that the development of Co-operative Neighbourhoods serves to reassert and strengthen Stevenage’s commitment to Co-operative Council Principles; with staff, Members, residents and partners working together to help people help themselves and to plan for the future of neighbourhoods.


3.         That the phased implementation be approved, including the selection of St Nicholas and Martins Wood as the prototype neighbourhood (but also encompassing encompass the streets to the north that bordered St. Nicholas Park which are currently in Woodfield Ward), with basic team and collaboration arrangements put in place in the remaining 5 neighbourhoods.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.