Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 4.)


To highlight the Council’s performance across key priorities and themes for quarter one 2019/20.


Additional documents:


The Leader asked for her thanks to be conveyed to all officers involved in the preparation of the report, particularly the Future Town, Future Council section, which provided a thorough summary of the key priorities and performance issues.


The following was discussed:


·                Officers agreed to provide all Executive Members with figures relating to the level of short term sickness absence;

·                Officers were requested to instigate a project management system for co-ordination and feedback in respect of Member Ward Walkabouts.  The Chief Executive advised that this would form part of the forthcoming All Member Briefing session on Ward Walkabouts;

·                St. Nicholas Ward Environmental Improvements – officers were asked to provide a breakdown of these for submission to St. Nicholas Ward Members;

·                The Leader asked Portfolio Holders to ensure that plain English was used throughout future reports when updates were provided on their respective Portfolio areas; and

·                The Interim Strategic Director undertook to provide Executive Members with a more detailed breakdown of the statistics relating to the percentage of telephone calls answered by the Customer Service Centre within 20 seconds.




1.         That the delivery of priorities which form the Future Town, Future Council Programme and performance of the Council across the key themes for quarter one 2019/20, together with the latest achievements, be noted.

2.         That officers are requested to scope a potential new FTFC workstream called “Place of Choice”, with a view to feeding this into the wider annual review of FTFC programme projects and deliverables for 2020/21.

3.         That actions to ensure the prompt certification of health and safety compliance of non-domestic/non-commercial council buildings in accordance with the compliance contract are noted and endorsed (Paragraphs 3.86 and 3.87 of the report).

4.         That improved performance in the Customer Service Centre is noted and continuing plans to sustain and improve performance are endorsed (Paragraphs 3.101 to 3.107 of the report).

5.         That the impact of the rise in long term sickness on average sickness absence levels is noted, and that ongoing implementation of improved practices to support sickness absence management is endorsed (Paragraphs 3.117 to 3.121 of the report).


Reason for Decision: As contained in report.

Other Options considered: As contained in report.