Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Executive (up to May 2024) (Item 9.)


To consider any Part I business accepted by the Chair as urgent.


The Chair accepted items of urgent Part I business in respect of Brexit and possible General Election updates.


(1)       Brexit Update


The Interim Strategic Director advised that a Brexit Officer Working Group had been established to prepare for the implications of a Brexit on 31 October 2019, in particular a worst case scenario of a no deal outcome.


The Interim Strategic Director was requested to:


·                feed back to the Hertfordshire Resilience Forum Members’ concerns regarding the shortage of medical supplies already being experienced by Stevenage residents and the potential for increased homelessness in the Borough should unemployment increase due to companies relocating or ceasing to operate;

·                prepare a Briefing Note on the latest Brexit developments for circulation to all Members of the Council;

·                organise a round table meeting for businesses operating out of the Business Technology Centre to glean the concerns and issues that those businesses were expecting to experience through Brexit; and

·                ensure that the Leader was invited to all future meetings of the Brexit Officer Working Group.


(2)       Possible General Election Update


The Chief Executive confirmed that plans were in place to respond swiftly should a General Election be called in the coming months.