Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The following matters were discussed:


·      Timescale for Combined Teams – much of the background work had been completed leading up to the introduction of combined teams of Community/Neighbourhood and Housing officers to drive forward the CNM Programme, but progression was awaiting the appointment of a new Housing Project Manager, who it was hoped, would progress this to completion in the summer of 2019.

·      Involvement of Ward Members – officers were instructed to ensure that schedules of works completed and works to be carried out in each ward were provided to Ward Members.

·      The Executive was of the view that it should be made clear in all future communications regarding the CNM Programme that all Councillors were in full support of the programme; also that accuracy was essential when identifying locations where improvements had taken place or were scheduled to take place.


The Executive supported an additional recommendation requesting officers to prepare a document setting out the purpose and aims of the CNM Programme, and to devote a whole edition of the Council’s Chronicle Magazine based around the work taking place in connection with the CNM Programme, including details of the rationale of the timetable for the work in various wards.




1.         That the delivery of activity undertaken through the Co-operative Neighbourhood Management (CNM) Programme to date is noted.


2.         That the proposed Forward Plan for the CNM Programme over the coming year is noted.


3.         That officers be requested to prepare a document setting out the purpose and aims of the CNM Programme, and to devote a whole edition of the Council’s Chronicle Magazine based around the work taking place in connection with the CNM Programme.


Reason for Decision: As contained in report; and 3. To better publicise the the CNM Programme.

Other Options considered: As contained in report.

Report author: Rob Gregory

Publication date: 14/03/2019

Date of decision: 14/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 14/03/2019 - Executive (up to May 2024)

Accompanying Documents: