Decision details


Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Stephen Booth, asked the following question:


“What plans does the Leader of the Council have to meet with the new Labour Government and does he expect next year’s financial settlement to allow Stevenage Borough Council to avoid having to cancel essential services and delay capital projects in order to balance the budget?”


The Leader of the Council replied that a number of contacts had been made with the new Government including a visit that morning from a senior minister at the Department of Communities and Local Government.  He would give an update later in the meeting on the work that the new MP had been doing to raise the aspirations of Stevenage.  He also informed the meeting that a visit from a representative of the Department of Business and Trade would take place the following week as well as regular contact with Baroness Taylor, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Department of Housing Communities and Local Government


In relation to the financial settlement, the Leader advised that the Government had been clear in their consideration that a longer term settlement would help local authorities and it was hoped that this would be made clear in the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget.


The Council then received updates from the relevant Cabinet Portfolio Holders on the following matters:


·         Cycle Hire Scheme;

·         Co-operative Neighbourhood Management;

·         Building a Better Bedwell;

·         Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor 2024/25;

·         Equalities;

·         Stevenage Day;

·         Aqua Parc;

·         Stevenage Theatre wins National Award;

·         Museum Exhibitions;

·         Brodie Court;

·         Resident Engagement Strategy;

·         Green Spaces Strategy;

·         Visit to Stevenage – Department of Housing, Communities and local Government.

Publication date: 05/08/2024

Date of decision: 31/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 31/07/2024 - Council