Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive considered a report seeking approval of a proposed Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy.


In response to a question in respect of implementation of the Strategy, it was confirmed that a skills audit would commence during September 2020, with the intention that targeted training would take place in the Autumn/Winter.


Members were pleased that the Repairs and Voids Team were supportive of the insourcing plans for their work, and of the potential for future expansion of the Council’s commercial activity to perhaps provide such services to private homeowners.


The Portfolio Holder for Resources confirmed that the Membership of the proposed Commercial and Investment Executive Committee would comprise herself (as Chair), together with Councillors Sharon Taylor, Jeannette Thomas, John Gardner and Lloyd Briscoe.




1.          That the Co-operative Commercial and Insourcing Strategy for 2020-2023, as appended to the report, be approved and reviewed on an annual basis.


2.          That the establishment of the Commercial and Investment Executive Committee be approved (with the Membership as detailed in the preamble above), and the Terms of Reference for this Committee, as shown at Paragraph 4.9 of the report, be agreed.


3.          That the Assistant Director (Stevenage Direct Services) be given delegated authority to approve any final changes required to the Strategy, following consultation with the Executive Member for Resources.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Publication date: 12/08/2020

Date of decision: 12/08/2020

Decided at meeting: 12/08/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024)

Accompanying Documents: