Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive considered an update report on the implementation of Co-operative Neighbourhoods, following approval of the programme in December 2019.


In considering the report, Members commented as follows:


·        The Communications Plan would require some amendments to make it more user friendly for the public;

·        A briefing session for all Members of the Council would be set up to run through the “Guide for Councillors” document (Appendix C to the report);

·        In response to a request for the names (as opposed to designations) of the Operational Leads for each area, it was confirmed that a full list of officers comprising each area team would be provided to Members in due course;

·        In reply to a question concerning the Community Action Plans, it was clarified that the intention was that these would replace the existing Ward logs system.




1.          That the revised strategy for resuming the development of Co-operative Neighbourhoods be endorsed.


2.          That the Guide for Councillors (attached at Appendix C to the report), which will be sent to all Borough and County Councillors across Stevenage, be approved.


3.          That future decisions on development of the strategy be delegated to the Strategic Director (RP), in consultation with the Co-operative Neighbourhoods Strategic Board.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Publication date: 12/08/2020

Date of decision: 12/08/2020

Decided at meeting: 12/08/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024)

Accompanying Documents: