Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


In respect of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Select Committee held on 4 March 2020, which involved a public health discussion, the Leader asked that the Council’s thanks be conveyed to the HCC Director of Public Health for his excellent work in heading up the County Local Resilience Forum throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.


In relation to the Minutes of the meeting of the Environment & Economy Select Committee held on 10 March 2020, a Member thanked officers for progressing a number of the environmental projects in the St. Nicholas Ward during the Coronavirus outbreak.  The Leader suggested that, once the lockdown restrictions were relaxed, Select Committee Members should visit the recently expanded Symonds Green Community Centre.


It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the following meetings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees be noted –


Community Select Committee – 4 March 2020

Environment & Economy Select Committee – 10 March 2020

Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 16 March 2020

Publication date: 13/05/2020

Date of decision: 13/05/2020

Decided at meeting: 13/05/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024)

Accompanying Documents: