Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive considered a report seeking approval of the Workforce Strategy 2020-2023.


The following issues were raised during the debate:


·            The Leader’s recommended addition of the word “inclusive” between the words “Build an” and “empowered and engaged workforce…” in the “People vision” box on Page 5 of the Strategy was supported;

·            At an appropriate time in the future, Officers were requested to provide Members with the longer term impacts/effects of homeworking amongst staff; and

·            It was confirmed that if major changes occurred regarding Covid-19, such as an effective vaccine, officers would react immediately and would not wait until the annual review of actions and targets.


The Executive accepted two additional recommendations proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Resources, namely that a key action from the Workforce Strategy would be the development of a workforce Equality and Diversity Policy; and that the Workforce Strategy would be an enabler of workforce productivity and the methodology and measurement would be included in the action plan and would be done in consultation with the trade unions.  




1.          That the Workforce Strategy for 2020-2023, as attached at Appendix A to the report, and as amended, be approved.


2.          That it be noted that the implementation plan may be revised due to changing circumstances and workforce requirements, and that approval for such changes be delegated to the Senior Human Resources Manager, after consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources.


3.          That a key action from the Workforce Strategy will be the development of a workforce Equality and Diversity Policy.


4.          That the Workforce Strategy will be an enabler of workforce productivity and the methodology and measurement will be included in the action plan and will be done in consultation with the trade unions.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report; 3. and 4. To widen the scope of the Workforce Strategy and supporting documentation.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Publication date: 06/10/2020

Date of decision: 06/10/2020

Decided at meeting: 06/10/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024)

Accompanying Documents: