Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive considered a verbal update/presentation from the Strategic Director (RP) on the Covid-19 pandemic.


The following issues were raised by Members during the presentation:


·            Officers were requested to improve communications with residents across the Borough and businesses in the Old Town area regarding the reasons behind the Covid-19 related restrictions introduced in the High Street, including the key messages behind the footway/highway width changes and the loss of some parking spaces, offset by the use of 120 spaces (free for 3 hours) in the Former Waitrose Car Park.  On this latter point, the Leader asked that clear signage be provided in the High Street directing car users to the Former Waitrose Car Park;

·            The Strategic Director (RP) was asked to contact the Hertfordshire Director of Public Health to ascertain the latest position with regard to the availability/supply of the flu vaccine and to inform Executive Members of the response;

·            It was confirmed that it would be the responsibility of the Local resilience Forum to authorise any re-introduction of Operation Shield/Sustain activities in the case of a Local Outbreak or increased lockdown;

·            It was clarified that, at present, the majority of contact tracing was carried out by NHS Test and Trace based on those testing positive for Covid-19 and providing contact lists, rather than via those individuals using the NHS Covid-19 app.;

·            The Council was continuing to work with Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) on service delivery, although it was acknowledged that the existing difficult financial position could be exacerbated should SLL’s bid for Culture Recovery Fund monies be unsuccessful;

·            As a contribution to Black History Month, Officers were requested to give consideration to the publication of material recording the contribution of black people to the life and growth of Stevenage;

·            It was confirmed that the £500 isolation payments would be paid by the Revenues and Benefits Team to qualifying individuals (subject to the relevant Government Department confirming their eligibility);

·            The Strategic Director (RP) informed the Executive that he would be producing a weekly Covid-19 update/bulletin to be sent to all Members. 


It was RESOLVED that the Covid-19 update be noted.

Publication date: 06/10/2020

Date of decision: 06/10/2020

Decided at meeting: 06/10/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024)