Decision details


Decision Maker: Executive (up to May 2024)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive considered a report providing an update on climate change work, achievements and engagement, and seeking adoption of a proposed Climate Change Strategy.


The following points were raised during the debate upon the Strategy:


·            It was confirmed that the Citizens’ Panel would not target groups covered by existing engagement processes, but would consist of a cross-section of residents not involved with those groups;

·            Officers were requested to arrange specific presentations of the Strategy to the Stevenage Youth Council and Stevenage Youth Parliament in order to gather the views of young people; and

·            Once published, comments on the Strategy should be sought on-line and on social media.


The Executive supported the following three additional recommendations (Nos. 4, 5 and 6) proposed by the Leader:


4.          That it be noted that the process to recruit to the Citizens’ Panel is now underway, and that feedback from this Panel will be provided in October 2020 to inform the final Strategy.


5.          That an Action Plan be developed, to be approved by the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration, and that the intention of asking the Environment and Economy Select Committee to review the delivery of the Strategy be noted.


6.          That a progress report on the delivery of the Strategy and associated Action Plan be submitted to the Executive in 12 months’ time.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration commented that it would be his intention to establish an Implementation Group to help drive monitor progress made against the Climate Change Action Plan, comprising himself and the Portfolio Holders for Housing, Health & Older People and Economy, Enterprise & Transport.  The Chair of the Environment and Economy Select Committee would be invited to all meetings of the Group, together with other Members as and when required. 




1.          That the updates to the Climate Change work and achievements thus far be noted.


2.          That the content of the draft Climate Change Strategy (set out in Appendix C to the report) and accompanying documents be approved for adoption.


3.          That delegated powers be granted to the Assistant Director (Planning and Regulation), following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration, to make amendments as are necessary in the final preparation of the draft documents prior to adoption.


4.          That it be noted that the process to recruit to the Citizens’ Panel is now underway, and that feedback from this Panel will be provided in October 2020 to inform the final Strategy.


5.          That an Action Plan be developed, to be approved by the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration (with the option of a Climate Change and Sustainability Executive Committee, if preferred), and that the intention of asking the Environment and Economy Select Committee to review the delivery of the Strategy be noted.


6.          That a progress report on the delivery of the Strategy and associated Action Plan be submitted to the Executive in 12 months’ time.


Reason for Decision:  As contained in report; and 4., 5. & 6. To ensure feedback from the Citizens’ Panel is taken into account and to put in place suitable monitoring mechanisms for the Strategy.

Other Options considered:  As contained in report.

Publication date: 16/09/2020

Date of decision: 16/09/2020

Decided at meeting: 16/09/2020 - Executive (up to May 2024)

Accompanying Documents: