Location: Shimkent Room, Daneshill House
Present: Members: Mr D. Morgan (Independent Chair), Mr S. Gillies (Independent Member), Councillors, Mrs J.E. Lloyd, M. Notley, K. Vale
Start Time: 6.00p.m.
End Time: 6.55p.m.
Status: Noted
Business: There were no apologies for absence and no declarations of interest.
Status: Agreed
Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Mintues of the meeting of the Committee, held on Monday, 13th December 2004, be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Status: Noted
Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Terms of Reference be noted.
Stewart Gillies offered to draft a paper in conjunction with the Borough Solicitor summarising the work of the Committee so far and how the basic requirements of the Terms of Reference were being met.
Status: Agreed
Business: The Borough Solicitor submitted a report outlining Stevenage Borough Council's proposed response to the Consultation Paper issued by the Standards Board for England on the review of the Code of Conduct for Members.
The aim of the consultation was to review the effectiveness of the Code and 'explore ways in which it could be simplified, clarified and improved'.
The Borough Solicitor, addressed the specific questions asked in the Standards Board Paper.
Following discussion, it was agreed that with regard to Disrepute and Private conduct, private behaviour should not be a legitimate concern for the Authority or the Standards Board unless it was of such consequence to injure the reputation of the Council.
Status: Noted
Business: The Borough Solicitor presented a report reviewing the Ombudsman complaint statistics for 2004/05.
It was noted that the Local Government Ombudsman had reported that Stevenage's complaint numbers overall were relatively small in view of the considerable number of decisions the Council took on behalf of its citizens each year. He also noted that the Council was quick to agree and implement local settlements.
It was also noted that the average response times reduced to 33.6 days in 2004/05 which was relatively good compared with other district councils.
Decision: It was RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Status: Noted
Business: It was agreed that David Morgan and Stewart Gillies should look at the Members Register of Interests in September. In the meantime, the Borough Solicitor would write to all Members requesting that they update their part of the register and also reminding them of the rules and procedures regarding the declaration of gifts and hospitality.
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Standards Committee scheduled for 19th July be postponed and rearranged for Monday, 26th September.
Status: Noted
Business: None.
Status: Noted
Business: None.