Meeting documents

Wednesday, 29 June 2005 7.00pm

MINUTES - Council 20050629 19:00

MINUTES - Council 20050629 19:00

Location: Council Chamber, Daneshill House

Present: Members: Councillors B.G. Underwood (Mayor), B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor), S. Batson, CC, G. Clark, R.A. Clark, D.W. Cullen, CC, M. Downing, CC, B.P. Hall, L. Harrington, R.J. Henry, J. Hollywell, T.G.M. Kent, CC (from 7.55pm), P.D. Kissane, L.A. Lambert, C. Latif, Mrs J.E. Lloyd, J. Lloyd, M.A. Mason, D.F. Monaghan, S.M. Myson, M. Notley, R.G. Parker, CC, M.P. Patston, J.R. Raynor, D. Royall, CC, R.J. Smith, MBE, DL, G. Snell, S.K. Speller, Mrs L.G. Strange, P. Stuart, S. Taylor, H.C.L. Tessier, A.T. Turner, K. Vale and Mrs. P.A Webb.


Start Time: 7.00pm
End Time: 10.42pm


Status: Noted

Business: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors P.E.J. Gallagher, J. Gardner, L. Knight and J.A. Pickersgill.

Councillor R.J. Smith, MBE, DL declared a personal, prejudicial interest in respect of Minute 5 - Petition: St. Nicholas School, in view of his role as a governor of this school, and announced that he would be withdrawing from the meeting prior to the consideration of this item.


MINUTES - Wednesday, 18th May, 2005

Status: Agreed


Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18th May 2005, having been circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


Status: Noted

Business: The Mayor announced that he had attended over 42 engagements during his brief time in office. A number of these engagements had involved his chosen causes for the year, with one of the first being an Age Concern Tea and Social afternoon at Chells.

The Mayor commented that his predecessor had begun the One Book for Stevenage initiative and he hoped it would continue. He reported that Stevenage Central Library was packed a few weeks ago when the author of this year's book 'Across the Nightingale Floor', Lian Hearn, gave a fascinating insight into how she had been inspired to write this story set in ancient Japan.

One of his most difficult tasks had been judging the Stevenage Day Queen and Princesses, as each and everyone of the entrants deserved to be chosen. He was pleased to report that, unlike recent years, the weather for Stevenage Day was very good, as it had also been for the Rock in the Park concert. The Mayor congratulated the team of volunteers involved in organising these events.

The Mayor concluded by informing the Council that it had been his pleasure to have attended the 100th Birthday Party of Beatrice Thompson, a resident of Highfield Court.

At this point, the Mayor advised that he had to leave the meeting due to a prior engagement.

Councillor B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor) took the Chair.



Status: Agreed

Business: The Deputy Mayor announced that the Main Debate concerned the 'Future of Council Homes in Stevenage'.

The Deputy Mayor explained that the report considered by the Executive meeting on 21st June 2005 on this matter had been circulated with the agenda papers. The decisions of the Executive, together with some additional papers, including some questions received from a member of the public, had been circulated on a supplementary agenda. The Executive Member of Housing would be responding to these questions later in the debate.

The Deputy Mayor invited Celia Twomey, Strategic Director responsible for Housing, to introduce the debate. She outlined the key issues set out in the circulated documentation.

Celia Twomey concluded by stating that 87% of a sample of 1,000 tenants consulted on the 2 deliverable options by MORI on behalf of the Council were in favour of an ALMO and that 97% of tenants responding to a letter sent or attending public meetings were in favour of an ALMO.

The Council agreed to waive Standing Order 18(c)(iii), concerning the time allowed for Members to speak, to enable the Executive Member for Housing to move the Executive's recommendations and respond to the questions submitted by a member of the public.

The recommendations having been duly moved and seconded, the Deputy Mayor opened the debate to the public and Members of the Council.

The questioner (Trish Rafferty), FOSTA representatives, the Council's UNISON Branch Secretary and a representative of Stevenage Trades Council all participated in the debate.

A number of Members of the Council joined in the debate. The common opinion expressed was a reluctant acceptance that the Council had little or no option other than to approve the ALMO option, in view of the Government's continued determination to deny local authorities the direct funding to be able to improve their housing stock to the Decent Homes standard.

The Executive Member for Housing concluded the discussion by responding to a number of issues raised by the public and Members of the Council during the debate.

Decision: Upon being moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED UNAMINOUSLY:-

1. That the report drafted by the officers in consultation with the informal Housing Strategy Group be received.

2. That it be noted that SBC does not have sufficient funds to meet the Government's Decent Homes Standard by 2010.

3. That, subject to 4 below, an Arms Length Management Organisation be established to manage and maintain the Council's Housing Stock and that it makes a submission to GO-East and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) to this effect.

4. That the proposal for the ALMO option in its submission should be made subject to the Government negating the adverse effect of the minimum revenue provision formula on the Council's General Fund.

5. That the Housing Strategy Group be thanked for their work.

6. That the comments submitted by UNISON be noted and, where practicable, endeavours will be made to incorporate them when establishing the ALMO.

7. That the staffing implications of the above decisions be the subject of formal consultation with the unions as appropriate.


Status: Noted

Business: The Council considered a petition signed by 286 residents in respect of parking difficulties in the vicinity of St. Nicholas Primary School, Stevenage.

Councillor R.J. Smith, MBE, DL, having declared an interest, absented himself during the consideration of this matter.

The Lead Petitioner, Mrs. C.A. Lorimer, Head Teacher of St. Nicholas Primary School, introduced the petition.

The Petition asked that a small section of Fairlands Valley Park be made available as a public car park, for use by the school for drop-off/pick up of pupils and by residents at other times.

The Executive Member for Community and Culture replied that the Council considered that there was adequate parking in Fairlands Valley Park. The large park near the Sailing Centre could be utilised by parents, who could walk the children to school as part of a walking bus. It was also felt that there was sufficient space adjacent to the school for verge parking.

The Executive Member for Community and Culture explained that it was the responsibility of Hertfordshire County Council to provide a solution to this matter.

Decision: Following further debate, it was RESOLVED that this Council would support St. Nicholas School in lobbying Hertfordshire County Council to provide and fully fund a parking area on the highway verge near the School, as has been suggested previously, which could be funded from Highways, Safer Routes to School and Education Budgets.


Status: Noted

Business: The Deputy Mayor advised that a resident had submitted a number of questions regarding the Council's Housing Options appraisal, and reminded the meeting that these had been answered by the Executive Member for Housing during the Main Debate (see Minute 4).



Status: Noted

Business: The Leader of the Council and appropriate Members of the Executive updated the Council in respect of the Benefits Service; Fair Trade and Sustainability; Environmental Action Day; Decriminalised Parking Enforcement; Growth Area Schemes; and Harrow Court.

With regard to the Harrow Court item, Councillor R.A. Clark declared a personal, prejudicial interest, and withdrew from the meeting during the discussion on this issue.

In response to a question regarding Fair Trade, the Executive Member for Resources explained that the Council had no right to insist that Fair Trade products were sold through outlets such as SLL, but added that the Council would encourage them to stock such products. She added that there were no immediate plans for the Council to apply for formal Fair Trade status, although this matter would be kept under constant review.

In respect of Growth Area Schemes, and with particular reference to Ridgmond Park, the Leader of the Council referred to a letter written by a Member which had appeared in the local press concerning the recent planning application for residential development of this site.

It was agreed to waive Standing Order 18(c)(iii) concerning the time allowed for Members to speak, to enable the Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee (Councillor Mrs J.E. Lloyd) to address the Council on the content of a letter written to her by the same Member and sent to Members of the Committee.

The Leader of the Council moved a motion which was duly seconded.

During the debate, a number of Members raised points of order and points of personal explanation. Midway through the debate, the Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee withdrew from the meeting, and took no further part in the proceedings.

Decision: Following debate, it was RESOLVED:-

(i) That this Council supports the decision made by the Planning and Development Committee to grant planning permission for the development of the former Ridgmond Training Centre site for a residential development of 122 dwellings.

(ii) That this Council further supports the ongoing discussion between the developer, the County Council and SBC to minimise the impact of construction traffic in the surrounding area.

In accordance with Standing Order 11(c), the Leader of the Opposition raised some further matters in relation to the Ridgmond Park planning application. He asked if there was any progress to report from a meeting held on 10th June 2005 between the developer and other agencies regarding a new temporary/permanent access to the site, and whether or not there were any plans to allow the Stevenage Highways Joint Member Panel to consider this issue.

As the Deputy Mayor's invitation, the Deputy Chief Executive replied that the outcome of the meeting held on 10th June 12005 had been inconclusive, but that discussions were on-going. The matter of the temporary/permanent access would be for County Council and Borough Council officers to agree, and would not necessarily be an issue for consideration by the Highways Joint Member Panel.


Status: Noted

Business: None.



Status: Noted

Business: None.



Status: Agreed

Business: The Council considered a report and recommendations from the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on 21st June 2005, regarding Taxi De-limiting and the Waiting List Policy.

Decision: It was RESOLVED:-

(i) That no action be taken at the current time with regard to the de-limiting of the number of Hackney Carriages in the Borough, an unmet demand study be undertaken, and the results reported back to the Committee.

(ii) That new plates be issued on the basis of date of application order and for Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) compliant vehicles only. Those on the waiting list will be considered first, subject to the requirement that any offer of a plate being taken up within three calendar months of the offer being made.


Status: Noted

Business: None.



Status: Noted

Business: Not required.



Status: Noted

Business: None.
