Meeting documents

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

MINUTES - Council 20060712 19:00

MINUTES - Council 20060712 19:00

Location: Council Chamber, Daneshill House

Present: S.K. Speller (Mayor), G. Clark (Mayor Designate), J. Lloyd, CC (Deputy Mayor), R.A. Clark, M. Downing, CC, P.E.J. Gallagher, J. Gardner, B.P. Hall, L. Harrington, J. Hollywell, R.J. Henry, B. Jackson, P.D. Kissane, T.G.M. Kent, CC, L. Knight, JP, L.A. Lambert, C. Latif, Mrs J.E. Lloyd, M.A. Mason, S.M. Myson, M. Notley, J.A. Pickersgill, J.R. Raynor, D. Royall, R.J. Smith, MBE, DL, G. Snell, Mrs L.G. Strange, P. Stuart, S. Taylor, H.C.L. Tessier, J. Thomas, K. Vale and B.G. Underwood.

Others: Stewart Gillies (Independent Member/Chair Standards Committee).

Start Time: 7.00pm
End Time: 10.00pm


Status: Noted

Business: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors S. Batson, D.W. Cullen, CC, R.G. Parker, M.P. Patston, A.T. Turner and Mrs. P.A. Webb.

There were no declarations of interest.


MINUTES - Tuesday, 23rd May, 2006

Status: Agreed


Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 23rd May 2006, having been circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


Status: Noted

Business: The Mayor welcomed the guest speakers taking part in the main debate - 'London 2012 - Can we go for Gold?' as this was a theme that the Mayor was keen to support as his own Mayoral theme was 'Sport for All'.

The Mayor expressed his support for the victims of the Mumbai bombings and would be writing to the Indian High Commission to express the Council's support and condolences.

The Mayor highlighted some of the key events he had attended since the Councils Annual Meeting. This included the town twinning visit to Autun and a charity cycle ride of 435 miles from Autun to Ingelheim for one of the Mayor's chosen charities, CTC; Stevenage Primary Schools Athletics; Stevenage Festival of the Performing Arts and the Stevenage Town Show. The Mayor concluded by giving thanks to all those who helped with the special charity opening of the Outback Steakhouse, which raised £5,000 for the Mayor's Charities and gave special thanks to Member Services for their effort to make this such a success.

At this point the Mayor handed the meeting over to the Deputy Mayor, Councillor John Lloyd to chair the remainder of the meeting.



Status: Agreed

Business: The Deputy Mayor introduced the four guest speakers who would each give a presentation on the opportunities the games could bring to Stevenage. The speakers were Councillor Stephen Castle, Essex County Council and the newly appointed Chair of the Regional Sport Board for the East; John Fuller, Sport England and Herts 2012 Coordinator; Graham Bowles, Chair of Sport Stevenage and Olympian, Mark Richardson - Silver Medalist in the 4 x 400 relay at Atlanta in 1996.

An officer report had been circulated and the Chief Executive outlined what steps the Council had already taken to benefit from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Council had contributed £3,000 to the County wide Steering Group and had established a Corporate Working Group, who would review the effectivenes of the £3,000 contribution as part of the Council's budget review.

The Deputy Mayor invited the speakers to come forward and address the Council.

Stephen Castle, Essex County Councillor and Regional Chair of Sport England and East of England lead on the Olympics 2012, gave a presentation on the national structure in place to deliver London 2012, and where Stevenage fitted into this structure.

John Fuller, Sport England East, Nations and Regions East Group and Regional Olympic/Paralympic Partnership Group, gave a presentation on how Stevenage could get involved in London 2012 and what were the opportunities open to Stevenage.

Graham Bowles, Chair of Sport Stevenage, gave a presentation on the sporting infrastructure in place in Stevenage and the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead for Stevenage if it was to continue to be one of the most progressive supporters of Sport for All in the County.

Mark Richardson, Silver Medalist in the 4 x 400 relay at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, gave a presentation on what it was like to compete at an Olympic Games and the positive impact it could make on people's lives.

The Deputy Mayor thanked the four guest speakers for their informative, challenging and inspiring presentations.

A motion was then moved by Councillor Sue Myson and seconded by Councillor Sharon Taylor. The Deputy Mayor then opened the debate to the public and Members of the Council. There was unanimous support for the motion amongst the Members who spoke during the debate and a common desire to see Stevenage embrace the opportunities that would be available. It was recognised that this would only be achieved by the Council being a Community Leader encouraging participation in London 2012.

Decision: Upon being put to the vote, it was RESOVED UNANIMOUSLY:-

That this Council welcomes the opportunity to work with the Business, Voluntary and Cultural Sectors in Hertfordshrie and the Eastern Region to fully support and progress the development of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is our objective to promote sporting activities that can be accessed by all to whatever level they aspire, to enable the people of Stevenage to achieve maximum benefit, have the capacity to be involved and contribute to a successful games and legacy and accordingly the recommendation in the report be agreed.


Status: Noted

Business: None received.



Status: Noted

Business: This item was taken before the Main Debate.

A question had been received from Mrs. Connie Rees and was detailed in the Agenda. The questioner made a statement in relation to the question and a response was given by the Executive Member for Community and Culture, Councillor Sue Myson.



Status: Agreed

Business: The Leader of the Council and Members of the Executive updated the Council in respect of the West of Stevenage.

Decision: A motion was moved, which was duly seconded. Following debate it was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that following upon the Secretary of State's being minded to approve decision, with regard to the development to the West of Stevenage and the recent panel report on the East of England Plan endorsing the spatial need for this sustainable urban extension, Stevenage Borough Council calls upon both North Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council to constructively work with us to complete bilateral negotiations with the developers on the Section 106 Agreement by the September 2006 deadline.

In the absence of the Leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Mayor invited the Deputy Leader of the Opposition Councillor Grahm Snell, to raise a matter in accordance with Standing Order 11. Councillor Snell indicated he did not wish to speak on this occcasion.


Status: Noted

Business: None received.



Status: Noted

Business: None received.



Status: Agreed

Business: The Council considered an officer report on the recommendations from the Indpendent Panel regarding the Council's Members' Allowances Scheme for 2006/07.

The Chief Executive reported that there was a typographical error in the report at the first paragraph of the financial implications, which refers to an indexation increase of 2.9%, this should read 2.95%.

Decision: It was RESOLVED:-

1. That having considered the report of the Independent Panel and a new scheme of allowances as set out at Appendix B of the report be approved.

2. That an Independent Panel be asked to re-examine the structure of the present scheme to consider the rationale and approach, test the robustness of previous conclusions and take account of any potential changes to the Council's management process, with a view to producing a new or revised scheme, effective from the beginning of 2007/08.

MINUTES - AUDIT COMMITTEE - Tuesday, 30th May, 2006

Status: Noted


Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Audit Committee held on 30th May 2006 be noted.