Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7 December 2005

MINUTES - Council 20051207 19:00

MINUTES - Council 20051207 19:00

Location: Council Chamber, Daneshill House

Present: B.G. Underwood (Mayor), B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor), G. Clark, R.A. Clark, D.W. Cullen, CC, M. Downing, CC, P.E.J. Gallagher, J. Gardner, B.P. Hall, L. Harrington, R.J. Henry, J. Hollywell, T.G.M. Kent, CC (from 8.10pm), P.D. Kissane, L.A. Lambert, C. Latif, Mrs J.E. Lloyd, J. Lloyd, CC, M.A. Mason, D.F. Monaghan , S.M. Myson, M. Notley, R.G. Parker, CC, M.P. Patston, J.A. Pickersgill, J.R. Raynor, D. Royall, R.J. Smith, MBE, DL, G. Snell, S.K. Speller, Mrs L.G. Strange, P. Stuart, S. Taylor, H.C.L. Tessier, K. Vale and Mrs P.A Webb

Others: Independent Member Stuart Gillies.

Start Time: 7.00pm
End Time: 10.05pm


Status: Noted

Business: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors S. Batson, CC, L. Knight and A.T. Turner.


MINUTES - Wednesday, 21st September, 2005

Status: Noted


Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21st September 2005, having been circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


Status: Noted

Business: The Mayor began his communication by inviting Council to observe a Minutes silence in rememberance of Dick Strange, husband of Councillor Lilian Strange who had passed away in October.

The Mayor reported that he had been involved in a great number of engagements since the last Council meeting and he highlighted a few of them.

On November 27th, the Mayor attended the opening of the first Community arboretum at Ashdown Bottom. The event was a great success with varied activities such as bulb planting and laying pathways. There were also a number of activities that people could watch including, tree carving with a chain saw, climbers putting up owl boxes and a shire horse dragging heavy logs at the site. The Mayor planted an English oak tree in memory of the late Councillor Alf McCarthy.

The Mayor had also received a letter from the Mayor of Shimkent informing the Council that they had named a new street in Shimkent 'Stevenage'.

The Mayor invited the Deputy Leader and Resources Portfolio Holder, Councillor Sharon Taylor to say a few words about the honour recently conferred on the Leader of the Council by the town of Ingelheim. Councillor Hall was the first British person to receive the award. The honour had been conferred on Councillor Hall for his longstanding commitment to unity and peace in Europe through the Town Twinning movement.

The Mayor had been fortunate to have been involved in the Three Towns - One Vision initiative that was organised by the Stevenge - Ingelheim and Autun Association. The initiative involved youngsters from the three towns, to develop links between people of a younger generation. He called upon Andrew Nicholson, one of the organisers to give a brief presentation on the initiative.

The event took place between 8th - 12th August 2005, involving young people from 15-19 year olds. The aims of the event was to raise awareness of each others cultures and learn about the European Union. The event was hosted by Stevenage and the young people stayed in the Lea Valley Youth Hostel at Cheshunt. All three towns were now committed to the initiative and would take it in turn to host the event in future years.

At this point, the Mayor advised that he had to leave the meeting due to a prior engagement.

Councillor B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor) took the Chair.



Status: Noted

Business: The Deputy Mayor invited the Chief Executive to introduce the debate. The Chief Executive provided Council with a summary of the results of the 2005 MORI Survey.

Councillor Sharon Taylor opened the debate by moving a Motion.

The motion was seconded and debated by Councillors and members of the public.

Members were keen to highlight the number of new initiatives the Council had been involved in over the years, whilst offering its residents value for money and on average the lowest Council Tax in Hertfordshire. It was emphasised that the Council's staff contributed greatly to the Council's success and it was requested that the Council's appreciation to the staff be recorded in the Minute.


This Council welcomes the results of the 2005 MORI Survey and pledges to the Community that it will:-

* Continue to listen
* Respond to what people say
* Keep people informed about Council services - their value - their effectiveness and their availability .... to build a better town for the future.


Status: Noted

Business: The Council considered a petition presented by Mr. R. Cherney of Grace Way, requesting that the Council take on board, support and facilitate the necessary activities to achieve Fair Trade Status.

Mr. Cherney raised a number of goals that he and his petitioners wished the Council to consider with regards Fair Trade and these included; the Council publicising the use of Fair Trade in the local media and set up a Fair Trade Steering Group to achieve full accreditation with the Fair Trade Foundation. Mr. Cherney also asked that the Council e-mail the Fair Trade Foundation to include Stevenage in its registered list of Towns/Districts.

The Deputy Leader and Resources Portfolio holder responded, indicating that the Council had a commitment to Fair Trade and she gave an update on the work the Council had been doing since its first resolution to support Fair Trade back in 1998. The Council now operated an ethical trading route for materials used at the depot, used sustainable timber and in 2006 would be able to negotiate the use of Fair Trade hot drinks in its vending machines.

Now that the issue of accreditation was clearer the Council would adopt all the necessary measures to fulfill the Fair Trade Gold Standard. It was stated that Fair Trade was a cross party issue and it was supported by all three parties. The Deputy Mayor thanked Mr. Cherney for presenting the petition.



Status: Noted

Business: None received.



Status: Noted

Business: The Leader of the Council and appropriate members of the Executive updated the Council in respect of Britain in Bloom; Register of Electors 2005/06; and Stevenage West.

In respect of Britain in Bloom, Members asked that John Crawley and his staff be thanked for their efforts to work tirelessly for the Council's success again in Anglia in Bloom and having been chosen to represent the Anglia region in Britian in Bloom in 2006, in the small city category.

In respect of Stevenge West the Executive Member with Portfolio responsibility for Environment updated Council on the decision of the First Secretatry of State, John Prescott, MP, that he is 'minded to grant planning permission' for 3,600 homes and associated developments at Stevenage West.

Decision: It was moved, seconded, debated and RESOLVED:-

1. That the Council warmly welcomes the First Secretary of State's announcement of 20th October in respect of the proposed development at Stevenage West and, in particular, the importance ascribed to the need for new homes - amongst other issues - in the report of the independent Inspector, Mr. David Lavender.

2. That the Council looks forward to working constructively with the other two affected local authorities and the developers to bring to fruition this sustainable urban extension in line with the mutually agreed Masterplan.

In accordance with Standing Order 11(c), the Leader of the Opposition raised the issue of the Council's application to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to be a trial authority for revised rules for postal ballots.

There had not as yet been any response to the Council's application but Members would be informed as soon as a response was received.


Status: Noted

Business: None.



Status: Noted

Business: None.



Status: Noted

Business: The Council considered a report and recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 9th November 2005, regarding the Council's submission for the new 'Use of Resources' assessment that would be carried out annually as part of the Audit Commission's CPA.

Decision: It was RESOLVED:-

That Council approve the following addition to the terms of reference for the Scrutiny Overview Committee - 'Responsibility for the review and approval of the statement of Internal Control'.


Status: Noted

Business: Noted.
