Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2 February 2005 7.00pm

MINUTES - Council 20050202 19:00

MINUTES - Council 20050202 19:00

Location: Council Chamber, Daneshill House

Present: Members: Councillors D. Royall, CC (Mayor), B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor), S. Batson, G. Clark, D.W. Cullen, M. Downing, CC, B.P. Hall, L. Harrington, R.J. Henry, J. Hollywell, P.D. Kissane, L. Knight, L.A. Lambert, C. Latif, Mrs J.E. Lloyd, M.A. Mason, D.F. Monaghan , S.M. Myson, M. Notley, R.G. Parker, M.P. Patston, J.A. Pickersgill, J.R. Raynor, R.J. Smith, MBE, DL, CC, G. Snell, Mrs L.G. Strange, P. Stuart, S. Taylor, H.C.L. Tessier, B.G. Underwood and Mrs P.A Webb, CC.


Start - 7.00pm
End - 8.00pm


Status: Noted

Business: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors R.A. Clark, P.E.J. Gallagher, J. Gardner, T.G.M. Kent, CC, J. Lloyd, P. Stuart, A.T. Turner and K. Vale.

Councillors L.A. Lambert and H.C.L. Tessier declared non-prejudicial interests in respect of Item 3 - Matter referred from the Executive: Housing Revenue Account Budget Probables 2004/05 and Estimate 2005/06.



Status: Noted

Business: It was with great sadness that the Mayor reported that a serious fire had broken out in the early hours of the morning at Harrow Court, in which two firefighters and a resident had died. Seven other residents were taken to hospital with burns and smoke inhalation and one remained in hospital. On behalf of all the people of the town, the Mayor extended his condolences to the families of those who had died and wished the injured a full and speedy recovery.

The Mayor commented that the cause of the fire was currently unknown, but would be investigated by Police and Fire Service Officers. A further press conference would be called when more information was available. The Mayor invited Councillor Mrs P.A. Webb, CC, the Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing, to address the Council on the tragedy.

Councillor Mrs Webb extended her condolences to the bereaved families, and outlined the practical assistance the Council was providing to residents affected by the fire.

Councillor Mrs Webb explained that a reception centre had been established at Bowes Lyon House, at which 72 people had registered. A range of support services had been put in place and essential supplies, including food, beverages, clothing, nappies, toys and toiletries were available. Lunch had been provided for about 50 people, and Council Housing Officers were arranging alternative accommodation for residents in local hotels and other housing facilities until they were able to return to their homes.

Councillor Mrs Webb advised that some residents, accompanied by officers, had been able to collect essentials, such as medication and pets, from their accommodation after the emergency services had performed their safety checks on the building. The Council would continue to provide as much practical help as possible during this difficult time for the residents, and Councillor Mrs Webb once more expressed her sympathy to all of those caught up in this tragic event.

The Mayor asked those present to stand and observe a minute's silence as a mark of respect for those that had perished in the fire at Harrow Court.

Concerning other matters, the Mayor was pleased to announce that, in common with most other parts of the country, Stevenage residents had been very generous in contributing to the Tsunami Disaster Fund. He paid particular tribute to staff employed at London Road Depot, who had agreed to allow one hours' pay to be deducted from their salaries and donated to the Fund. A total of £6,000 had been raised through the Mayor's Fund to go towards the Disaster Appeal, and the Mayor was certain that the Mayor Designate would wish to continue to support it as one of his charities during 2005/06.

The Mayor Designate confirmed that he would continue to support the Tsunami Disaster Fund during his Mayoral Year. This would accord with the views expressed by the local authorities represented at a recent Commonwealth Local Government Forum, all of whom would continue to support long-term projects associated with the Disaster Fund.

The Mayor announced that this would be the last Council meeting at which Ian Warner would be acting as Macebearer/Chaffeur, as Ian was shortly to retire after 25 years' service with the Council. The Mayor paid tribute to Ian's professionalism and punctuality and, in thanking him on behalf of the Council, presented him with an engraved whisky decanter in recognition of his service. The Leader of the Council paid a personal tribute to Ian and wished him a long and happy retirement.

The Mayor welcomed Councillor Sherma Batson, who was attending her first meeting of the Council following her recent election as Borough Councillor for Roebuck Ward.

At this point, the Mayor advised that he had to leave the meeting due to a prior engagement.

Councillor B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor) took the Chair.



Status: Agreed

Business: The Council considered a report and recommendations made by the Executive at its meeting held on 26th January 2005 in respect of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget probables 2004/05 and estimate 2005/06.

The Leader of the Council and Executive Portfolio Holder for Housing answered a number of questions raised by the Leader of the Opposition.

Decision: It was RESOLVED:

(1) That the Housing Revenue Account estimates for 2004/05 Probable showing a net deficit of £372,910 be approved, as detailed in Appendix A.

(2) That the Housing Revenue Account 2005/06 Estimates showing a net surplus of £156,960 be approved, as detailed in Appendix A.

(3) That the rents of HRA dwellings be increased, with effect from the week commencing 4th April 2005, by 4.03% and increased or decreased by the Rent Restructuring figure determined for each dwelling in accordance with the Government's National Rent Formula, subject to the Government's rent cap applicable to each property as detailed in paragraph 4.2.3.

(4) That the further phasing in of tenant Service Charges not be implemented in 2005/06 and no inflationary increases be applied in 2005/06 to those tenant Service Charges introduced in 2002/03.

(5) That the increases in ancillary fees and charges, with effect from 4th April 2005, as detailed in Appendix B, be approved.

(6) That the Executive proposes a Contingency Sum in the Budget and Policy Framework for 2005/06 of £300,000 for the HRA.

(7) That the rent of garages be increased by £0.36p per week (plus VAT where applicable) from 4th April 2005.


Status: Agreed


Decision: It was RESOLVED that under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in paragraphs 1-15 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Status: Agreed

Business: The Chief Executive tabled a report in respect of the outcome of the meeting of the Special Appointments Committee held earlier in the day to interview three applicants for the new posts of Strategic Director.

This report had not been circulated five clear days before the meeting. However, given the reason for urgency contained in the report, it was accepted by the Deputy Mayor as urgent.

In moving the recommendations contained in the report, the Leader stated that the three candidates for the new posts of Strategic Director were as strong a field as the Council could have wished, and that the decision to appoint them had been unanimous. He took this opportunity to thank Valerie Corrigan for her good work with the Council at a particularly trying time and wished her well for the future.

Decision: It was RESOLVED:

(1) That it be noted that the following individuals be appointed to the posts of Strategic Director with effect from 1st April 2005, subject to the requirements of the Council's Constitution -

Nick Parry
Celia Twomey
Bill Welch

(2) That Valerie Corrigan be dismissed from the Council's service on the grounds of redundancy, subject to the requirements of the Council's Constitution and the requirements of the Council's Managing Organisational Change Policy.

(3) That it be noted that the Chief Executive will be appointing Nick Parry as Deputy Chief Executive.