Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1 March 2006

MINUTES - Council 20060301 19:00

MINUTES - Council 20060301 19:00

Location: Council Chamber, Daneshill House

Present: Councillors B.G. Underwood (Mayor), B. Jackson (Deputy Mayor), S. Batson, CC, G. Clark, R.A. Clark, M. Downing, CC, P.E.J. Gallagher, J. Gardner, B.P. Hall, L. Harrington, R.J. Henry, J. Hollywell, T.G.M. Kent, CC, (from 9.20pm), P.D. Kissane, L. Knight, JP (until 7.10pm), L.A. Lambert, C. Latif, Mrs J.E. Lloyd, J. Lloyd, CC, M.A. Mason, D.F. Monaghan, S.M. Myson, R.G. Parker, CC, M.P. Patston, J.R. Raynor, D. Royall, Reg Smith, MBE, DL, G. Snell (until 9.50pm), S.K. Speller, Mrs L.G. Strange, P. Stuart, S. Taylor, H.C.L. Tessier, A.T. Turner and K. Vale.

Others: Stewart Gillies, Independent Member, Standards Committee.

Start Time: 7.00pm
End Time: 10.17pm


Status: Agreed

Business: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors D.W. Cullen, CC and Mrs. P.A. Webb.

Members declared the following interests in relation to the Budget.

Councillor S. Batson - Non Prejudicial - Positive Strides.
Prejudicial - Stevenage Furniture Recycling Scheme, Stevenage World Forum, Fusion Community Theatre Arts and Stevenage Leisure Ltd.

Councillor G. Clark - Non-Prejudicial - Stevenage Credit Union and Stevenage Community Trust.

Councillor R.A. Clark - Non-Prejudicial - Living Room Project, Stevenage Credit Union, Shephall in Need.

Councillor M. Downing - Prejudicial - Old Stevenage Community Association.

Councillor P.E.J. Gallagher - Non-Prejudicial - Old Stevenage Community Association.

Councillor J.E. Gardner - Non-Prejudicial - Kadoma Association and Home Start.
Prejudicial - Herts Business Incubation Council.

Councillor L. Harrington - Non-Prejudicial - Women's Resource Centre.

Councillor R. Henry - Non-Prejudicial - Sports Council.

Councillor Hollywell - Non-Prejudicial - Poplars & Bandley Hill Association and RELATE.

Councillor C. Latif - Non-Prejudicial - St. Nicholas' Community Association, Stevenage Consolidated Charities and Kadoma Link.

Councillor P.D. Kissane - Non-Prejudicial - CVS, Stevenage Haven, Kadoma Link, Stevenage Furniture Recycling Scheme, The Living Room and GEMMS.
Prejudicial - Stevenage Consolidated Charities and St. Margaret Clitheroe Roman Catholic School.

Councillor L. Knight - Non-Prejudicial - Victim Support Hertfordshire, Chells Manor Community Association and Timebridge Community Association.

Councillor John Lloyd - Non-Prejudicial - GEMMS, Broadwater Community Association, Stevenage Town Show, Joint Leaseholder of 4 and 4A Popple Way.

Councillor D. Monaghan - Non-Prejudicial - Chells Manor Community Association and Oval Community Association.

Councillor S. Myson - Non-Prejudicial - Hertford Road Community Association and Stevenage Leisure Limited.

Councillor M. Notley - Non-Prejudicial - RELATE, Symonds Green Community Association.

Councillor R.G. Parker - Non-Prejudicial - Chells Community Association.

Councillor M. Patston - Non-Prejudicial - Autun/Ingelheim Association, Shephall Community Association and Credit Union.
Prejudicial - Stevenage Leisure Limited.

Councillor R. Raynor - Non-Prejudicial - St. Nicholas Community Association and Stevenage Consolidated Charities.

Councillor D. Royall - Prejudicial - Crossroads and Credit Union.

Councillor R.J. Smith - Non-Prejudicial - Ridgemond Training, Pin Green Community Association, Stevenage Community Trust, Stevenage Business Initiative and Douglas Drive Centre.

Councillor S.K. Speller - Non-Prejudicial - Stevenage Sports Council, Stevenage Business Initiative, Herts Business Incubation Centre and Stevenage Borough Juniors Football Club.

Councillor L. Strange - Non-Prejudicial - Stevenage Consolidated Charities, Poplars & Bandley Hill Community Centre and Credit Union.
Prejudicial - Crossroads.

Councillor P. Stuart - Non-Prejudicial - Kadoma Link and Timebridge Community Centre.

Councillor S. Taylor - Non-Prejudicial - Symonds Green Community Association, Arts Guild, Rock in the Park and Credit Union.

Councillor H.C.L. Tessier - Non-Prejudicial - Old Stevenage Community Association, Stevenage Haven, Fusion Arts Group, Stevenage Town Show and Arts Guild.

Councillor B.G. Underwood - Non-Prejudicial - Age Concern, Bedwell Community Association, Kadoma Link, CVS and Drugsline.
Prejudicial - CAB.

Cllr. Ken Vale - Non-Prejudicial - Garden House Hospice.
Prejudicial - Chells Community Centre and Crossroads.

At this juncture individual Members expressed concern that the Code of Conduct had resulted in a number of elected Councillors not being able to participate in one of the most important debates held in the Chamber.

Decision: It was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that the Council's concern regarding the necessity of declaring interests of the above nature be relayed to the ODPM, bearing in mind that such declarations of interest preclude many Members making a decision on the Council's budget.

MINUTES - Wednesday, 1st February, 2006

Status: Agreed


Decision: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 1st February 2006, having been circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


Status: Noted

Business: The Mayor announced that since the December 2005 Council meeting, he had attended 58 events, many over the Christmas period.

He referred to having his picture taken with the Barclays Premiership Trophy and he had enjoyed watching children horseriding at Chesfield Farm. He had hosted a mini reception for the Indoor Market Traders, had attended a Holocaust Memorial Day Event which was a screening of the film Hotel Rwanda. He had also attended a recycling fashion show at St. Vincent de Paul School. He had joined the Barclay School at an Emergency Planning exercise and had visited the Lister Hospital, which was a tradition he hoped future Mayors would continue.

The Mayor concluded with details of the visit to Stevenage by a delegation from Shimkent. The Mayor's Charity Concert was a resounding success. MBDA had kindly sponsored the event which had raised a grand total of £5,000 for the Mayor's chosen charities.

The Leader of the Council added his comments regarding the success of his visit. He stated that individual Members of the delegation had recorded their appreciation for the local work of one particular person, Councillor Bob Clark. Over a number of years he had personally shown a great deal of commitment to aiding the multicultural community in Shimkent and Stevenage's links with Kazakhstan had been greatly strengthened by his work.



Status: Noted

Business: Item 10 'General Fund Budget 2006/07' was taken as the Main Debate. See Minute 10 below.



Status: Noted

Business: There were none received.



Status: Noted

Business: A question had been received from M. Nolan, concerning Section 106 and was detailed in the Agenda. A response was given by the Executive Councillor (Environment). Mr. Nolan did not ask a supplementary question.



Status: Noted

Business: In accordance with amended Standing Order (II), the Leader of the Opposition raised the matter of the lack of attendance of County Council officers at the Area Committee meetings. It was suggested that this was a matter he could raise as a County Councillor, with HCC.

The Leader of the Council had no issues on which he wished to update the Council in this part of the meeting.



Status: Noted

Business: There were none received.



Status: Noted

Business: There were none received.



Status: Agreed

Business: NOTE: Councillors S. Batson, J. Gardner, P.D. Kissane, L. Knight, M.P. Patson, D. Royall, L.G. Strange and K. Vale having declared Prejudicial Interests left the meeting for the following item:-

The Council considered a report and recommendations from the meeting of the Executive held on 15th February 2006, in respect of the General Fund Budget, Revenue & Leasing Forward Plan and Capital Programme 2006/07. A revised Appendix D to the report was circulated taking account of the County Council and Police Authority precepts.

At this juncture, it was moved, seconded and RESOLVED that Standing Order 18(c)(iii) concerning the time allowed for Members to speak, be waived for this item.

The Leader of the Council delivered his budget speech for 2006/07. As part of his speech, he referred to the previous year's special initiatives and gave an update on their success.

The Leader then drew attention to a series of Capital and Revenue Initiatives which he proposed for inclusion in the 2006/07 Capital Programme and General Fund Budget.

These special initiatives were as detailed in his budget speech, a copy of which was circulated to all Members of the Council, together with a revised formal Council Tax Resolution incorporating Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Police Authority precepts as well as the Leader's Initiatives.

The Assistant Chief Executive (Finance), in his role as Chief Financial Officer, confirmed that he remained satisfied with the robustness of the 2006/07 Budget Estimates and adequacy of reserves.

Decision: Following further debate, it was RESOLVED


1. That the Budget summarised at Appendix A to the report, as amended by the addition of the Revenue Initiatives outlined in the Leader's Budget speech, be the Council's General Fund Budget for 2006/07.

2. That a General Fund Budget Requirement for 2006/07 of £13,640,980, use of balances of £1,746,178 and a Band D Council Tax of £170.37 as reflected in the Council Tax Resolution circulated with the Leaders speech be agreed.

3. That a General Fund Revenue Account Contingency Sum in the Budget and Policy Framework for 2006/07 of £500,000 be agreed.

4. That the 2006/07 General Fund Capital Programme, as considered by the Executive in December, summarised in paragraph 6.1 of the report and as amended by the addition of Capital Initiatives outlined by the Leader in his Budget Speech, be agreed.

5. That a Contingency Sum in the budget and policy framework for 2006/07 of £2,000,000 for the Capital Programme, as considered by the Executive in December be agreed.

6. That the advice of the Assistant Chief Executive (Finance) on the robustness of the draft budget and the adequacy of reserves be noted.


1. That the following be approved:

a. the probable revenue estimates for the year 2005/06 amounting to £12,585,820 and the revenue estimates for 2006/07 amounting to £13,640,980;

b. the contribution from balances of £1,746,178 in 2005/06;

c. the contribution from balances totalling £1,728,697 in 2006/07.

2. That it be noted that at its meeting on 25th January 2006 the Executive calculated the amount of 27,356.01 Band D equivalent properties as its council tax base for the year 2006/07 in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

3. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2006/07 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:

a. £11,912,283 - being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the Act, less the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c)

b. £7,213,417 - being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund in respect of redistributed non-domestic rates and revenue support grant

c. £38,223 - being the utilisation of the Council's share of the estimated surplus totalling £279,000 as calculated in accordance with Sections 97(3) and Section 98(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988

d. £170.37 - being the amount at 3a. above less the amounts at 3b. and 3c. above, all divided by the amount at 2. Above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its council tax for the year


A £ 113.58

B £ 132.51

C £ 151.44

D £ 170.37

E £ 208.23

F £ 246.09

G £ 283.95

H £ 340.74

Being the amounts given by multiplying the amount at 3d. above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

4.a. That it be noted that for the year 2006/07 Hertfordshire County Council have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:


A £ 656.63

B £ 766.07

C £ 875.51

D £ 984.95

E £1,203.83

F £1,422.71

G £1,641.58

H £1,969.90

b. That it be noted that for the year 2006/07 Hertfordshire Police Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and amended by Section 27 of the Police and Magistrates' Court Act 1994, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:


A £ 82.65

B £ 96.43

C £ 110.20

D £ 123.98

E £ 151.53

F £ 179.08

G £ 206.63

H £ 247.96

5. That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3e. and 4a. and b. above, the Council in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts for council tax for the year 2006/07 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:


A £ 852.86

B £ 995.01

C £1,137.15

D £1,279.30

E £1,563.59

F £1,847.88

G £2,132.16

H £2,558.60

NOTE: Councillors S. Batson, J. Gardner, P.D. Kissane, M.P. Patston, D. Royall, L.G. Strange and K. Vale returned to the meeting.


Status: Agreed

Business: The Council had before it an Executive report from the Assistant Chief Executive (Finance) seeking approval to the Prudential Indicators for 2006/07.

Decision: It was RESOLVED:-

(1) That the Prudential Code Indicators as detailed in Appendix A to the report be adopted.

(2) That the 2006/07 Treasury Management Strategy be adopted.


Status: Agreed

Business: The Council had before it a copy of the officer report considered by the Executive, together with that body's recommendation. It was noted that the Scrutiny Overview Committee concurred with the Executive's recommendation that the initial HRA 2006/07 as detailed in Appendix A of the report be approved.

Decision: It was RESOLVED that the initial HRA 2006/07 Capital Forward Plan be approved as detailed in Appendix A of the report.


Status: Agreed

Business: The Council considered a report requiring it to make a Members' Allowances Scheme from 1st April 2006 to 31st March 2007. A revised appendix had been circulated.

Decision: Following discussion, it was RESOLVED that the Members' Allowances Scheme as set out in the revised appendix be approved and that an Independent Members' Panel be convened to look at the Members' Allowances Scheme.


Status: Agreed

Business: The Council was asked to consider changing the date of Annual Council from Wednesday, 24th May 2006 to Tuesay, 23rd May 2006.

Decision: It was RESOLVED that Annual Council 2006 be held on Tuesday, 23rd May 2006.